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Spatial Analysis on Regional Difference of Tourism Economy in Jiangsu Province
Li Ruyou / Huang Changzhou
Journal of Beijing International Studies Universit    2014, 36 (1): 24-.  
Abstract378)      PDF(pc) (4468KB)(707)       Save
Regional difference of tourism economy from 2000 to 2011 in Jiangsu Province is researched by spatial concentration index, Theil index, Gini index and Herfindahl index, and then Shift-Share Method is used to dissect the tourism economic growth of 13 cities in Jiangsu from 2000 to 2005 and 2005 to 2011. Based on these, the spatial pattern of regional development advantages on tourism economic in Jiangsu Province can be presented. The result shows that the regional difference of tourism economy in Jiangsu Province is extremely significant, and its trend is in line with the course of inverted U-shaped curve, which aggravates from 2000 to 2005 and reduces from 2005 to 2011. Further analysis shows that the spatial pattern of regional disparity of tourism economy in Jiangsu Province has changed greatly and goes with solid foundational advantages in southern areas, with relatively strong capacity to develop in the middle and northern areas. In addition, the regional difference of tourism economy in Jiangsu Province has positive connections with the tourism resource, economic development, industrial structure, but there is no significant correlation between tourism economy and infrastructure construction or opening up.
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Cited: Baidu(5)
A Review of International Linguistic Landscape Studies and Its Implications
Li Lisheng
Journal of Beijing International Studies University    2015, 37 (4): 1-.  
Abstract1249)      PDF(pc) (3933KB)(1930)       Save
As an emerging discipline in the fields of applied linguistics and sociolinguistics,the study of linguistic landscape has attracted growing attention among applied linguists and sociolinguists,resulting in a considerable number of publications and promising a broad prospect for future research.This paper provides a comprehensive overview of the development,definitions and functions,common research areas,and implications of linguistic landscape.Eventually,the paper holds that exploration of linguistic landscape in China is still in its initial stage,and conducting empirical studies may help us better understand about linguistics landscapes in China.
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Cited: Baidu(5)
A Study on the Construction of Self-Identification in Backpackers’ Travel Experience
Yu Zhiyuan / Shen Xiaowan
Journal of Beijing International Studies Universit    2013, 35 (11): 9-14.  
Abstract434)      PDF(pc) (3687KB)(563)       Save
With backpackers as narratives, the paper discusses the construction of self-identification by using the tourist experiences they narrateed as the research sample. Based on the viewpoint that the routine life leads to the loss of modern people’s self-identity, the paper illustrates that people can re-find and even re-construct themselves in the tourist world, and strongly emphasizes that backpacker tourism is an effective way for individuals to find self-identification.
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Cited: Baidu(4)
Disproportionate Development of Outbound Tourism in China——Based on Socio-economic Stages of China
Dai Xuefeng
Journal of Beijing International Studies Universit    2014, 36 (3): 17-.  
Abstract321)      PDF(pc) (3626KB)(356)       Save
The increase of outbound tourism has outrun the economic development of China in recent years. Scholars hold different opinions concerning disproportionate growth of outbound tourism of China. From the perspective of international comparison, outbound tourism of China does outpace the economic development, even though it still needs further study to find out if the precedence is due to “Chinese characteristics”. The paper states that outbound tourism of China has remarkably outpaced economic development. The main cause of this phenomenon lies in income polarization of China.
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Cited: Baidu(4)
Discussion on the Development of Creative Tourism and its Dialectical Relationships
Liu Chunji / Gao Jing
Journal of Beijing International Studies University    2014, 36 (3): 1-.  
Abstract308)      PDF(pc) (2747KB)(252)       Save
Creative tourism, though it’s a new field from the viewpoint of academic research, has drawn close attention. This article reviews the research progress firstly, and then focuses on discussing basic theoretical issues of creative tourism, aiming to improve the industry efficiently.
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Cited: Baidu(4)
An Empirical Study on the Impact of Urban Air Quality on Tourist Activities:From the Perspective of Macro and Micro
Ling Qian / Yang Yun / Liang Yunying
Journal of Beijing International Studies Universit    2015, 37 (5): 1-.  
Abstract355)      PDF(pc) (4334KB)(326)       Save
With the recent urban air quality deterioration, the quantity of domestic and international tourists is dropping. The impact on urban tourism caused by environmental quality becomes prominent. Based on macroscopic and microscopic, this study discusses the impact of urban air quality on tourist activities. From macroscopic perspective and relevant data, research reveals the link between the Urban Environmental Air Quality Comprehensive Index (AQI), and the quantity of urban tourism and income in Spring Festival “Golden Week”. From microscopic perspective, psychological experimentation was conducted on 40 college students to explore the impact of the degree of the tourist' s awareness of air.
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Cited: Baidu(3)
A Sociological Analysis of the Production of Red Sorghum Translated by Howard Goldblatt
Wang Baorong
Journal of Beijing International Studies University    2014, 36 (12): 20-.  
Abstract896)      PDF(pc) (6195KB)(849)       Save
Drawing on field theory and actor-network theory,this paper first investigates how American sinologist Howard Goldblatt,Nobel Laureate Mo Yan’s primary English-language translator,developed his translator’s habitus and entered a hypothesized American literary field.Then it analyzes how various human and non-human actors interacted with each other through the transformation of several forms of capital to create translation initiation and publication networks,thus bringing about Red Sorghum’s successful production in America.Finally,an analysis of the effects of the translation and editorial mode on Red Sorghum reveals that Goldblatt,both a scholar-translator and a professional translator,adopted a highly flexible approach to translation by combining fidelity and creativity.Paradoxical as his translation strategy may strike us,it has helped Goldblatt achieve tremendous success as a pre-eminent translator of modern Chinese fiction,which can be accounted for by Pierre Bourdieu’s field theory.
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Cited: Baidu(3)
A Study of the Tourists’ Cultural Perception of the Three Lanes and Seven Alleys Based on Network Text Analysis
Yin Xiaona / Zheng Xiangmin
Journal of Beijing International Studies Universit    2015, 37 (9): 62-.  
Abstract306)      PDF(pc) (2955KB)(373)       Save
Using network text analysis and software of ROST Content Mining, the paper explores thetourists’ cultural awareness of theThree Alleys and Seven Lanes. The results of the study are as follows: visitors’ awareness of theThree Alleys and Seven Lanes is generally positive, material cultural awareness is stronger than intangible culture, and awareness of diet culture is the strongest in the material cultural awareness. The perception of the craft is mainly showed in non-material cultural awareness, while tourists’cultural perception is different.
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Cited: Baidu(3)
Study on Tibetan Community Conflict of Shangri-La Tourism Development and the Mechanism of Regulation of Tourism Compensation
Ma Kelu / Ge Xufeng / Huang Yingxi
Journal of Beijing International Studies Universit    2013, 35 (11): 48-52.  
Abstract285)      PDF(pc) (2981KB)(375)       Save
In concept, Shangri-La is a harmonious society of only happiness without any pain. In fact, with the development of tourism, the local communities are often vulnerable groups in sharing tourism development achievements because of the uneven distribution of benefits. In consequence, it causes community conflict, misfits the brand conception of“Shangri-La”and seriously affects the construction of a harmonious society. In recent years, to some degree, the contradiction were temporarily resolved via community compensation, but how to solve the issue radically concerns itself with the construction of the harmonious Tibetan society. This paper intends to build a set of tourism compensation mechanism, attempting to effectively solve the Tibetan community conflicts caused by tourism development and achieve a harmonious and stable development of the Shangri-La area.
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Cited: Baidu(3)
Tourist Perception of Tourism Destination Image Analysis Based on Digital Footprints:A Case Study of World Natural Heritage Tianshan Mountain
Pan Zhiqiang / Liang Baoer
Journal of Beijing International Studies Universit    2015, 37 (5): 40-.  
Abstract427)      PDF(pc) (5663KB)(373)       Save
Tourism Destination Image has a great significance in tourism development of Xinjiang Tianshan Mountain. By now there have been fewer empirical researches on Tianshan tourism image perception. Essays about Xinjiang Tianshan World Natural Heritage in cyberspace, using the software of ROST Content Mining, as well as grounded theory could be found, respectively analyzing cognition and emotional image of Xinjiang Tianshan Mountain. The conclusion is that images of tourists towards Tianshan are cognitive and emotional dimensions are consistent with the distribution of image perception. From cognition and emotion in perception of tourism image, visitors show a strong perception to “ambience”and“tourist attraction”, while weak perception to“tourist facilities”and“Service Management”. At the same time, “social environment”, which shows a negative impact, makes visitors feel negative, seriously affecting tourists’satisfaction and revisit intention towards Tianshan.
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Cited: Baidu(3)
Leisure Constraints of Chinese: Empirical Study Based on a National Survey
Song Rui / Shen Xiangyou
Journal of Beijing International Studies Universit    2014, 36 (1): 1-.  
Abstract603)      PDF(pc) (4168KB)(985)       Save
Based on a national survey consisting of 1593 respondents selected by random sampling, this article analyzes the main factors which constrain Chinese’ participation on leisure. The results show that Chinese are confronted with constraints of seven categories, in different content for different groups. It should be noticed that the constraints such as environment, attitudes of others, as well as family members’ supports are beyond the western leisure research. Consequently, researches on Chinese leisure are important complement to the global leisure research which is still dominated by western prospects.
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Cited: Baidu(3)
Comparing Research About Tourism World Construction Based on Network Text Analysis——Based on Ping Yao
Qu Ce
Journal of Beijing International Studies Universit    2014, 36 (3): 69-.  
Abstract319)      PDF(pc) (4073KB)(436)       Save
Tourism World is a special framework of time and space, which is dominated by tourists and is different from the daily life world. It is as a kind of existence which can be generated and constructed in a certain realm. The way to construct the Tourism World is narration, materiality or tourist experience. The subject of construction is the tourist, the government, the business, the host and so on. In order to study the construction of Tourism World further, the research takes the Ping Yao Ancient City for example and analyzes it by means of content analysis, with the help of a network platform. The aim is to analyze the same and different points of the Tourism World constructed by the supplier and demander. From the results, we can infer that, the Tourism World constructed by the demander is embodied, relative and subjective. However, the Tourism World that the supplier constructs is visual, absolute and objective. Detailed analysis can help the “negotiation” between the demander and the supplier, to promote the sustainable tourism development.
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Cited: Baidu(3)
Tourism Destination Image Measurement and Problem Diagnosis Based on the IPA——Taking Kunming city as an Examplem
Xu Youlong / Zhong Hui / Tian Li
Journal of Beijing International Studies Universit    2015, 37 (7): 64-.  
Abstract313)            Save
Tourism image measurement is an effective way for problem diagnosis of tourism destination. This paper divided the measurement of tourism image into five major elements with 6 measurement factors. The research method is mainly structure, supplemented by nonstructure measurement. Based on the Importance Performance Analysis (IPA),the paper concludes that the actual performance of the whole tourism image of Kunming is below the public expectation. The first priority should be given to the enhancement of the six image factors---accommodation, transportation, shopping, entertainment, sanitation, as well as tourism advertisement——so as to improve the tourism image of Kunming. The author also designed a questionnaire for non-local tourists to indicate their impression of the city. The survey measured the theme of “It is spring everyday in Kunming” and “the Spring City". The main problems to be solved in the six image factors were also dealt with in the questionnaire.
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Cited: Baidu(2)
Symbol Authenticity Perception of Tourism Experience Research
Yang Jun / Xi Yueting
Journal of Beijing International Studies Universit    2015, 37 (7): 34-.  
Abstract519)            Save
The article introduces the western semiotics theory on the tourism activities with the background of economy. The aim is to use a new perspective to re-examine the modernization and symbol consumption and their motivation for tourists. Based on the literature analysis and from both ethnography and semiotics,the article further explains the connotation of authenticity and the nature of tourism and concludes that in the economic era,tourism is a kind of symbolic activity,its motivation is to pursue symbolic sense. “Imagination” and “authenticity” are the important measure of tourist experience. Experience authenticity on symbol perception at tracts the attention of the planning designers based on the inner demands of modern tourists symbol system. The pursuit of the alienation of mental state and realization of the value of tourist image construction ensure the rationality of the existence and the sustainable development of itself.
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Cited: Baidu(2)
On the Communication of Civilized Travel based on Tourists’ cognition
Zheng Yang/ Zheng Xianfang/ Zhu Sha
Journal of Beijing International Studies Universit    2015, 37 (7): 26-.  
Abstract324)            Save
Based on the tourists’cognition for civilized travel and travel communication,the study analyzes the effects of various communication channels. The result reveals that travel websites,mass media,Application and We chat related service and travel agents are the most effective channels to carry travel information from which tourists obtain travel information,followed by Application,We chat,travel information network and Weibo provided by the government,while Tourist Information Center,Tourist Distribution Center and Tourist hotline ranked third. Based on the result,this study tries to build a model on spreading civilized travel information and puts forward related strategies for providing a new prospective and method to promote tourists’civilized travel.
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Cited: Baidu(2)
A Comparative Study between Self-Translation and Conventional Translation of Eileen Chang’s Gui Hua Zheng Ah Xiao Bei Qiu from the Perspective of Translator’s Subjectivity
Li Changbao / Huang Jinzhu
Journal of Beijing International Studies University    2015, 37 (4): 29-.  
Abstract729)      PDF(pc) (5298KB)(666)       Save
Based on the translator’s subjectivity as well as both Chinese and English texts, this paper attempts to compare the self-translation and conventional translation of Eileen Chang’s Gui Hua Zheng Ah Xiao Bei Qiu with the help of text analysis software in terms of passivity, subjective initiative and purposefulness. The paper holds that the self-translation seems to be concise and comprehensive as well as natural and unrestrained, showing that the self-translator’s subjectivity is much greater than the conventional translator’s, and that the conventional translation appears to be faithful and smooth as well as precise and complete, indicating that the translator’s subjectivity is, to some extent, fairly covert and restricted.
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Cited: Baidu(2)
Study on Brand Personality of Tourism Destinations Based on Analysis of Tourist Online Review: Taking Urban Waterfront Tourism Destination for Example
Gao Jing
Journal of Beijing International Studies Universit    2015, 37 (1): 50-.  
Abstract602)      PDF(pc) (5380KB)(266)       Save
Based on the investigations on three urban waterfront tourism destinations, i.e., West Lake in Hangzhou, Kulangsu in Xiamen and the Bund in Shanghai, this article aims to examine brand personality of tourism destinations from the perspective of tourist perception. Using tourists’ reviews on the Internet as research data, this study adopts a three-study design where both qualitative and quantitative methods are used. The findings reveal that the brand personality dimensions of normal consumer goods are not applicable to urban waterfront tourism destinations. Brand personality of urban waterfront tourism destination includes 5 dimensions, which are sensory attractiveness, cultural enchantment, spiritual benefits, symbol of lifestyle and modern atmosphere. The brand personality of West Lake embodies in sensory attractiveness and spiritual benefits, the brand personality of Kulangsu embodies in spiritual benefits and symbol of lifestyle, while the brand personality of the Bund embodies in sensory attractiveness and cultural enchantment. Based on the above results, some suggestions are put up for further research of tourism destination brand personality and the practice of tourism destination branding.
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Cited: Baidu(2)
On the Development Models of Ecotourism in Wetlands Region: A Case Study of Qilihai Wetland
Wang Qingsheng1,2 / Zhang Dan1 / Liang Yi1
Journal of Beijing International Studies Universit    2014, 36 (5): 1-.  
Abstract298)      PDF(pc) (5569KB)(435)       Save
Based on the cognition concepts of ecotourism and wetlands,combined with the field research on the Qilihai Wetland and its surroundings, the paper, taking the development of the eco-tourism in the Qilihai Wetland as an example, evaluates the sustainability of the wetland environment and its resources and puts forward the development models and implementation ways to develop ecotourism in wetlands in order to offer the mechanism and ways for references in China.
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Cited: Baidu(2)
Study on the Travel Charactistics and Consumer Preferences of High-speed Rail Passengers
Li Xinjian1,2 / Cui Li1,2 / Wan Wenping2 / Zhang Fangfang2 / Xu Wenjing2
Journal of Beijing International Studies Universit    2013, 35 (11): 63-71.  
Abstract547)      PDF(pc) (4387KB)(816)       Save
It’s important to understand and guide the high-speed rail passenger travel consumption on the background of rapid development of high-speed rail in China, and it’s also a key factor of tourism industry allocation and tourism development. This paper, based on the Beijing-Shanghai (Hangzhou), Wuhan-Guangzhou and Zhengzhou-Xi’an high-speed rail passenger survey data, analyzes, through quantitative statistical method, the high-speed rail passenger travel consumption characteristics, travel preferences, acquires the high-speed rail passenger travel objectives, travel information sources, travel pattern and hotel selection, and points out that it needs to strengthen high-speed rail tourism product development, emphasize micro-tourism market, deepen the use of new media and speed up the construction of tourism hub.
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Cited: Baidu(2)
Characteristic of Tourism Hotel Efficiency in Sanya
Yu Hu / Chen Tian / Wang Kaiyong / Zhu Dongfang
Journal of Beijing International Studies Universit    2014, 36 (1): 47-.  
Abstract550)      PDF(pc) (4827KB)(785)       Save
The tourist hotel industry is an important pillar of the tourism industry system, and the importance of tourism hotel efficiency has been observed, while little study on it has been seen domesticly. Based on the concept of tourism hotel industry efficiency and analysis of efficiency structure and the explanation variable, this article builds the conceptual framework of the study on tourism hotel industry efficiency by exploring the efficiency changes of enterprises of four ownership types (State-owned, Joint ventures, private enterprises, and foreign-invest enterprises) in Sanya. Results show that capital investment scale, technology imitation and innovation as well as competition environment are significant driving force for improving tourism hotel efficiency. Moreover, there are different competitive advantages for enterprises with different ownerships, because the diversity of policy incentives, original capital and human capital and other characteristics of enterprises lead to great disparity of enterprises’ market position, technological innovation ability and model. However, the most effective way to improve efficiency is the optimum combination of these powers. In Sanya, capital circulation and agglomeration, continuous investment, technology imitation and diffusion caused by enterprises’ agglomeration strengthen the market competition. The efficiency of state-owned and foreign enterprises is reducing while that of joint ventures and private enterprises is improving, and all kinds of efficiency index tend to be balanced. Enterprises with different ownership types have their own obstacles in improving efficiency, so the local government should make some effective policies to solve the matter.
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Cited: Baidu(2)
Study on Online Attention Characteristics of Scenic Spots Based on Baidu Index: Take West Lake As an Example
Pan Lili / Hu Wenyue
Journal of Beijing International Studies Universit    2015, 37 (9): 67-.  
Abstract218)      PDF(pc) (5468KB)(391)       Save
Using the Baidu index trend and through a study on the China National Day from 2011 to 2014, the paper describes tourists’ attention to the scenic of West Lake. The results show that: from 2011 to 2014 the overall trend from PC and mobile is similar; PC and mobile trend during the National Day holiday shows similar trend,but the mobile trend increases or decreases faster than PC trend. On Holiday eve, PC indicates a peak curve,while mobile trends generally show a peak during the holiday season. The main tourist market is around eastern coastal areas and the customer market is stable.
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Cited: Baidu(2)
A Study of Text Mining on Online Reviews of Luxury Business Hotels in Guangzhou
Xiong Wei / Guo Yangjie
Journal of Beijing International Studies Universit    2013, 35 (11): 38-47.  
Abstract598)      PDF(pc) (5048KB)(562)       Save
Online Hotel Reviews are an authentic reflection of hotel guests’ perception of hotel service. Despite the existence of some research results on this issue in academia, the majority of them made use of content analysis, which leads to a restricted application of these findings in practice due to its limited ability of batch processing. This study aims to analyze online customer reviews of luxury business hotels in Guangzhou in terms of word frequency and emotion with the combination of text mining and time series analysis methods, in order to predict its development tendency. The research outcomes show that“overall services”and“room”are gaining increasingly attention within online reviews of luxury business hotels by business guests recently. Reviews on service quality are transferring from technical quality to functional quality as well. Secondly, positive emotion dominates online business guest reviews on service quality of luxury business hotels over the years. And its dominance becomes strengthened. Thirdly, the results of time series analysis reveal that in the first half of 2012,“overall services”and “convenience”would be concerned the most within online business guest reviews of luxury business hotels in Guangzhou. In the meantime, more reviews would be accompanied with negative emotions. Limitations and future research suggestions are also discussed.
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Cited: Baidu(2)
Comparative Analysis of Carbon Footprint Between Hotels in Mountain Resorts and City
Yang Lu / Zhang Jinhe / Zhong Shien / Liu Zehua / Sun Jinkun
Journal of Beijing International Studies Universit    2015, 37 (9): 52-.  
Abstract403)      PDF(pc) (5569KB)(185)       Save
The hotel industry is the core industry of tourism, which is also the greatest energy and greenhouse reduction area in tourism. The difference ofthe hotel type makes difference of the way of energy consumption and efficiency. This paper compares the hotels in mountain resorts and cities. By using the regular method of carbon footprint analysis, the paper compares the two kinds of hotel’s carbon footprint and found that both of them have obvious seasonal characteristic, but their influencing factors are different. Energy utilization, the plot ratio and the carbon footprint of the unit size are different. The carbon footprint per person has a negative correlation with the temperature, also with the room renting percentage. In addition,the operation of the hotel leads to the ecological influence and ecological responsibility’s inter-regional transference in space.
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Cited: Baidu(2)
Language and Space: A Perspective of Linguistic Landscape
GE Junli
Journal of Beijing International Studies University    2016, 38 (4): 68-80.   DOI: 10.12002/j.bisu.2016.038
Abstract1941)      PDF(pc) (883KB)(7627)       Save
As a brand-new research field of sociolinguistics, the study of linguistic landscape interprets the relationship between language and space by means of analyzing the variety of linguistic signs in public space such as public road signs, advertising billboards, street names, place names, commercial shop signs, and public signs on government buildings, which in general can be divided into top-down signs and bottom-up signs and which are equipped with informative function and symbolic function. The article reviews the chronological development of linguistic landscape studies at home and abroad, expounds the research contents in detail which contain Linguistic Landscape in a narrow sense represented by Landry & Bourhis (1997), Gorter (2006a, 2006b) and Backhaus (2007) , Semiotic Landscape by Jaworski & Thurlow (2010a, 2010b) and Geosemiotics by Scollon & Scollon (2003), and has a thorough and in-depth discussion about theoretical and methodological argumentations of this study in the following five aspects of (1) the samples’ representativeness and scope, (2) the sample’s unit of analysis, (3) the samples’ categorizations, (4) the signs’ authorship, primary functions and intended readers, and (5) quantitative or qualitative analysis. This study reflects the diverse linguistic phenomena in terms of language conflict, language contact, language maintenance, language change and ethnolinguistic vitality, so on and so forth, which demonstrate overt or covert linguistic prestige, power relations and social status embodied in the language use and language choice. In the end, the article puts forward personal views about the prospective linguistic landscape studies in China.
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Cited: Baidu(2)
Study on the Influencing Factors of Chinese Rural Residents’ Tourism Consumption Demand Vicissitudes
Bian Xianhong,Chen Danlu
Journal of Beijing International Studies Universit    2014, 36 (7): 10-.  
Abstract313)      PDF(pc) (5972KB)(333)       Save
This paper analyses the factors which influence Chinese rural residents’ tourism consumption demand vicissitudes mainly from the following aspects: the income and consumption level of rural residents, the level of rural and national economic development, the change of rural residents’ fixed assets, the government expenditure for agriculture, urbanization and rural population changes. The result shows that:(1) Compared with other factors, the influence of net income of rural residents on the marginal propensity to their tourism consumption is weak; (2)Tourist trips from rural residents and urban residents gradually converge, but the level of urban and rural tourism consumption is obviously different;(3)Income structure of rural residents has an impact on their tourism spending, while living consumption expenditure has a positive but limited effect on it;(4)Rural residents tourism spending is highly and positively related with the level of rural social and national economy; (5)The influence of rural residents of fixed assets investment and housing value changing on the tourism consumption is different;(6)The impact of urbanization rate on rural residents tourism consumption is positive, while rural population changes on it is negative.
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Cited: Baidu(2)
Study on the Structural Evolution of Tourism Economic Network and Roles of Tourism Destinations in Hunan Province
Fang Shimin,Zhu Dan
Journal of Beijing International Studies Universit    2014, 36 (7): 48-.  
Abstract340)      PDF(pc) (3351KB)(271)       Save
This paper assesses the value of tourism economic contacts among cities in Hunan province by the gravity model,using social network analysis method to construct the tourism economic contacts network. It firstly classifies, compares and positions the roles and functions of destinations by the density analysis and core-edge model from the theory of Social Network Analysis. Then it analyzes those functions by the centralization analysis indicators quantitatively. It is suggested that fourteen city destinations in Hunan could be divided into five role types, namely, core tourist destination, secondary tourist core, important tourist destination ,common destination and marginal destination. Finally, some suggestions to optimize the tourism economic network of cities in Hunan province are put forward.
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Cited: Baidu(2)
A Syntactic Study of the Interrogative Sentences and Its Typological Significance in the Selected Readings from the Works of Mao Tsetung
Ma Daoshan
Journal of Beijing International Studies University    2014, 36 (10): 14-.  
Abstract540)      PDF(pc) (1644KB)(820)       Save
The use and translation of interrogative sentences in the works of Mao Tsetung are investigated on the premise of the comparison of the Chinese version and the English version,and the typological significance is analyzed on the basis of the syntactic properties of the interrogative sentences in both languages.An analysis of the syntactic properties of interrogative sentences in the works of Mao Tsetung seems to prove that it is feasible to account for the syntactic phenomenon with QAH(Q-feature Attraction Hypothesis).This approach to the study of linguistic typology is of much theoretical significance.
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Cited: Baidu(2)
A Research on the Relationship between Tourist Destination Trust and Approaching Intention: A Case Study of Shaoshan
Cao Wenping,Xu Chunxiao
Journal of Beijing International Studies Universit    2014, 36 (9): 45-.  
Abstract461)      PDF(pc) (4795KB)(733)       Save
Tourists’ trustworthiness of a specific destination will exert a great influence on their processes of decision-making and their visiting intention, thus research on destination trustworthiness is of great academic significance. Based on a comprehensive analysis of earlier researches and the first-hand data obtained by questionnaire to the tourists in Shaoshan, this article constructs a conceptual model and uses SEA to analyze the dialectic relationship of trust, mood and approach intentions. Three conclusions are put forward in this research: first, the tourists’ destination trust has a positive influence on their approaching intentions; second, the tourists’ destination trust has a significant positive effect on mood; third, tourists’ mood has an important intermediary role between tourists’ destination trust and their approaching intention. This empirical research suggests that as to the tourist destination, the image of Trustworthiness should be set up, more space be spared to create a pleasant atmosphere thus to promote tourists experience as a whole.
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Cited: Baidu(2)
Literature Review on Intangible Cultural Heritage and Tourism Development
Xu Zhongwei,Lin Yue
Journal of Beijing International Studies Universit    2014, 36 (9): 18-.  
Abstract428)      PDF(pc) (4999KB)(238)       Save
Intangible cultural heritage is becoming an important resource of cultural tourism and it is the major field that many researchers study. By carding the articles published in recent years, this study analyzes the conception and characteristics of intangible cultural heritage and the motivation of tourists; It also narrates the relationship between the protection of intangible cultural heritage and the tourism development, the development pattern and value. And the study also builds the frame of research and points out the existed argument and orientation of the research.
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Cited: Baidu(1)
A Positive Study on the Relationship between Tourism Policy, Industrial Development and Tourism Employment#br#
Guo Wei / Xu Ke
Journal of Beijing International Studies Universit    2014, 36 (3): 7-.  
Abstract280)      PDF(pc) (4519KB)(343)       Save
China’s tourism policies have been adjusting with the national economic conditions since its openness to outside, which promote the development of tourism industry and tourism employment. But the boundary of tourism industry has not been defined clearly, the importance of tourism employment has received skepticism. This paper describes the growing path of tourism employment, takes the policies as a variable, estimates the effects of the policies and industry development on the tourism employment.
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Cited: Baidu(1)
Spatial Frames of Reference and Topological Descriptions in Chinese Discourse
Liu Lijin
Journal of Beijing International Studies University    2014, 36 (10): 24-.  
Abstract622)      PDF(pc) (1426KB)(1165)       Save
With the theories of spatial language by some Western scholars,this study explores how Chinese describes the location and orientation of a static entity in space by way of reference frames and topological relations. In light of the data drawn from natural discourses, the article has analyzed in detail the uses of spatial frames of reference and topological descriptions in Chinese. The findings show that:firstly, spatial frames of reference and topological relations are the basic ways of describing the locations or places of objects,and comparatively topological descriptions are more commonly used,probably due to the fact that in context it is easier to know where a Figure is when a nonprojective topological description is used. Secondly,it is often the case that ‘object-centered reference’ is a most frequent frame of reference and that ‘relations of contact,proximity,and inclusion’ are the more commonly coded topological relations. Thirdly,there are two general patterns in Chinese for describing the location and orientation of an entity in space:(1)Ground-Figure sequence,namely You/Shi-sentence pattern ‘prepositional Zai + Ground + Locative + You/Shi + Figure’ ;(2)Figure-Ground sequence,namely Zai-sentence pattern ‘Figure + Zai + prepositional Zai + Ground + Locative’ .Finally,the You/Shi-sentence patterns are by far the more prevailing in discourse,which results from the ‘Ground preceding Figure’ principle at work. This study has important implications for language acquisition and language teaching.
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Cited: Baidu(1)
Research on Implementation of Tourism Mass Customization Based on Platform Strategy
Han Yuling,Xu Haotian
Journal of Beijing International Studies Universit    2014, 36 (11): 9-.  
Abstract305)      PDF(pc) (3506KB)(219)       Save
With the development of tourism, people tend to participate in more personalized and customized travel. High cost and long time-consuming of traditional “face to face” travel can hardly meet the need of booming individualized tourism market;therefore, an effective mass customization method for travel service is in urgent need. Based on the concept of internet platform strategy, beginning with the literature review, the research tries to put forward a modular customization approach of essential factors of tourism products, hoping to structure a brand new business mode of tourism mass customization which connects both the party in supply and in demand. Meanwhile, the internal and external supportive conditions for this business mode have been briefly discussed and illustrated, hoping to lay foundations for the further research.
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Cited: Baidu(1)
An Empirical Study onthe Interactive Development of Tourism Industryand Service Industry in China
Xia Jiechang,Qu Hua
Journal of Beijing International Studies Universit    2014, 36 (11): 21-.  
Abstract307)      PDF(pc) (4406KB)(294)       Save
Based on vector auto-regression model, cointegration test, Granger causality test, variance decomposition and the relevant data of China from 1985 to 2012, this paper makes an empirical study on the interactive development of tourism industry and service industry in China. It indicates that there is a long-term stability cointegration relation among domestic tourism, Inbound tourism and service industry, elasticity of domestic tourism and inbound tourism to service industry are respectively at about 0.48 and 0.24. With a one-way causal relationship from LNSER to LNDT, service industry fluctuation is mainly affected by fluctuation of itself and inbound tourism consumption fluctuation, domestic tourism fluctuation is mainly affected by fluctuation of itself and inbound tourism, which in turn is mainly affected by fluctuation of itself and domestic tourism. Based on the research conclusions, suggestions are put forward to accelerate the mutual development of tourism and service industry. To promote the interactive development of tourism industry and service industry, great important needs to be attached to the development of tourism industry in the long term and strategic height, many kinds of measures should be taken to spur inbound tourism and domestic tourism to strengthen their pulling effect on service industry, comprehensive development of service industry should be further promoted to create good conditions and environment for more rapid development of tourism industry.
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Cited: Baidu(1)
Study on Safety of Mainland Residents’ Travelling to Taiwan and Risk Prevention Countermeasures
Lv Ning,Sun Yue
Journal of Beijing International Studies Universit    2014, 36 (7): 78-.  
Abstract355)      PDF(pc) (3405KB)(263)       Save
Mainland residents’ travelling to Taiwan is playing a more and more important role in the cross-strait communication. However, a series of tourism security issues seriously affected the healthy development of it. Taking the questionnaire method, this paper found some safety issues of mainland residents’ traveling to Taiwan,which include the supply and demand imbalance,the single form of products, frequent natural disasters in Taiwan,tourists’ deficient awareness of safety and so on. Based on the analysis above, some countermeasures are put forward. First, to improve the tourist reception capacity of Taiwan; Second, to improve the tourism products system; Third, the government should build the cooperation mechanism to protect the security of thetourists; Forth, to strengthen the tourism safety publicity and to improve the tourist safety awareness; Fifth, to strengthen the supervision of industry.
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Cited: Baidu(1)
Research on Service Innovation of Smart Scenic Spot: A Case Study of Three Lanes and Seven Alleys in Fuzhou City
Weng Qiumei / Chen Zhangwang
Journal of Beijing International Studies Universit    2014, 36 (5): 49-.  
Abstract314)      PDF(pc) (3912KB)(569)       Save
The theory of logic of service-dominant is both technology-oriented and demand-oriented, covering the exposition of smart tourism service as well as its effect on the innovation of smart scenic spot service. Based on the above theory, this paper is devoted to depicting the conceptual model of smart tourism service innovation. Three Lanes and Seven Alleys are quoted to show the service innovation.And with the implementation of these efforts, quality and efficiency of tourism can be the key for customers satisfaction which leads to the ultimate goal of maintaining the competitive edge of Three Lanes and Seven Alleys scenic as well as upgrading the transformation of tourism industry in Fuzhou.
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Cited: Baidu(1)
A BEC-based Analysis of Collocational Features of RATE
Hu Chunyu
Journal of Beijing International Studies University    2014, 36 (2): 6-.  
Abstract805)      PDF(pc) (2149KB)(1001)       Save
Recent years have witnessed the fast development of Business English Program in China.As a result,there has been growing interests in scientific studies of business English.This paper,based on 1-million-word Business English Corpus(BEC),conducted a profound analysis of the keyword RATE by examining its collocates,clusters and concordancing lines.The result shows that the most important collocates of RATE are interest,exchange,etc,indicating that interest rate and exchange rate play an important role in business world.This study also implies that the corpus-based analysis of business English keywords not only helps researchers discover the linguistic features of the target expressions,but also enables them to better understand the information of business encoded in those words.
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Cited: Baidu(1)
Translating Chinese Gong’an Fiction in the Light of Narrative Mode——A Case Study of Robert Van Gulik
Wang Baorong / Yao Wei
Journal of Beijing International Studies University    2014, 36 (4): 43-.  
Abstract775)      PDF(pc) (2982KB)(1243)       Save
Chinese gong’an stories,a genre similar  to Western detective stories,have  their distinctive narrative mode.This paper aims to discuss effective strategies of translating them for Western readers in the light of narrative mode.It begins with an examination of the origin and defnitions of the Chinese notion “gong’an xiaoshuo” and a brief overview of published European-language translations of classical Chinese detective stories.In the light of the basic differences in narrative point-of-view between Chinese gong’an stories and Western detective stories,we examine how Dutch sinologist Robert Van Gulik skillfully adapted and rewrote the original narrative mode to conform to that of Western detective stories.It is concluded that the Westernization of narrative mode in the translation process can help Chinese gong’an fction “walk toward the world”.
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Cited: Baidu(1)
From Extensive to Lean: The Evolution of Management Model of Beijing Rural Lodging Industry
Li Bin / Gu Huimin / Sun Meiling
Journal of Beijing International Studies Universit    2014, 36 (3): 32-.  
Abstract395)      PDF(pc) (5517KB)(211)       Save
With the booming of rural tourism, the rural lodging reception units in Beijing are also increasing. At the same time, problems such as products homogenization, poor quality of facilities and services etc are also arising. It is not easy for this extensive management model to meet the changing needs of the tourists;the transformation and upgrading of the industry structure largely depend on the changing of management model. On the basis of previous literatures of lean management and Beijing rural lodging industry development, this thesis tried to established a framework of management evolution model in rural lodging industry. By using qualitative grounded theory research methodology, interview outline and questionnaire has been designed and typical rural lodging industry units in the outskirts of Beijing have been selected for the research. Data has been studied following the process of open coding, axial coding and selective coding,conceptualizing and finally formulating of the theory framework. The research shows that most rural lodging units are still using extensive management mode, but it is moving to a more lean management mode from the operators’ expectation and actions. Based on the research results, countermeasures and suggestions have also been given for establishing lean management mode of Beijing rural lodging industry.
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Cited: Baidu(1)
Comparison of Realizations of Simple Aspects in English and Chinese from a Functional Perspective
HE Wei / LI Lu
Journal of Beijing International Studies University    2016, 38 (3): 1-18.   DOI: 10.12002/j.bisu.2016.031
Abstract705)      PDF(pc) (694KB)(1620)       Save
“Aspect” refers to the state(s) of an event observed by a speaker from a certain or a series of temporal viewpoints. According to the number of temporal viewpoints a speaker chooses or the event state(s) observed in a clause, aspects fall naturally into two types in both English and Chinese, viz. simple aspect and complex aspect. Simple aspect refers to the state of an event observed from one temporal viewpoint, and is realized by one form, while complex aspect refers to the states of an event observed from a series of temporal viewpoints, and is realized by a series of forms. As one of the essential components in time system, aspect exists in both languages at the level of meaning, while its realization forms are language specific. Based on the above re-definition and re-classification of aspect within the framework of Systemic Functional Linguistics, this paper continues to compare the realizations of simple aspects in English with those in Chinese. The research results show that in either English or Chinese, there are grammatical, quasi-grammatical and lexical simple aspects. However, in both languages, aspects of different grammaticalization degree present similarities and divergences on their components and numbers in a clause.
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Cited: Baidu(1)
Working Memory and Second Language Acquisition: A Review of Studies in the Past 20 Years in Foreign Language Field in China
CHEN Shifa / CUI Taotao / LUO Xiaoshu
Journal of Beijing International Studies University    2016, 38 (2): 15-27.   DOI: 10.12002/j.bisu.2016.025
Abstract1216)      PDF(pc) (704KB)(3061)       Save
Working memory is an important factor in second language acquisition. Based on statistical analysis of the published papers in 13 core journals in the foreign language field in recent twenty years from 1996 to 2015 in China, the present paper reviews the studies of the relationship between working memory and second language acquisition. In terms of research methodology, these studies can be divided into two periods. From 1996 to 2007, researchers in the foreign language field in China mainly introduced the Western theories related to working memory and second language acquisition into China or published papers of relevant literature reviews; and from 2008 to 2015, quantitative and qualitative methods were adopted to investigate the relationship between working memory and language acquisition by combining the Western theories with the actual situation of Chinese EFL learners. In terms of research topics, seven topics such as the relationship between working memory and lexical acquisition, between working memory and grammatical or syntactic acquisition, between working memory and reading comprehension, and between working memory and listening comprehension, etc. are investigated from perspectives of second language comprehension, second language production and the combination of both modes. Based on the previous studies, several shortcomings in the present status are discussed, and the research trends are also provided to shed light on future studies in the field.
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