Journal of Beijing International Studies Universit ›› 2013, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (11): 48-52.

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Study on Tibetan Community Conflict of Shangri-La Tourism Development and the Mechanism of Regulation of Tourism Compensation

Ma Kelu / Ge Xufeng / Huang Yingxi   

  1. Tourism Department,Yunnan University
  • Received:2013-05-20 Published:2013-11-30


马克禄 葛绪锋 黄鹰西   

  1. 云南大学旅游系
  • 作者简介: 马克禄(1987~ ),男,山东莒县人,云南大学工商管理与旅游管理学院2011级硕士研究生,主要研究方向:生态旅游、旅游规划。 葛绪锋(1989~ ),男,山东平邑人,云南大学工商管理与旅游管理学院2011级硕士研究生,主要研究方向:旅游人类学。 黄鹰西(1989~ ),女,江西吉安人,云南大学工商管理与旅游管理学院2011级硕士研究生,主要研究方向:生态旅游。
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: In concept, Shangri-La is a harmonious society of only happiness without any pain. In fact, with the development of tourism, the local communities are often vulnerable groups in sharing tourism development achievements because of the uneven distribution of benefits. In consequence, it causes community conflict, misfits the brand conception of“Shangri-La”and seriously affects the construction of a harmonious society. In recent years, to some degree, the contradiction were temporarily resolved via community compensation, but how to solve the issue radically concerns itself with the construction of the harmonious Tibetan society. This paper intends to build a set of tourism compensation mechanism, attempting to effectively solve the Tibetan community conflicts caused by tourism development and achieve a harmonious and stable development of the Shangri-La area.

Keywords: Shangri-La; tourism community conflict; tourism compensation; regulatory mechanism

摘要: 从理念上看,香格里拉是一个只有幸福没有痛苦的和谐社会。事实上,随着旅游的开发,当地社区在共享旅游开发成果的时候往往是弱势群体,导致利益分配不均,从而引发社区冲突,与“香格里拉”品牌意境格格不入,严重影响了和谐社会的构建。这几年的社区补偿在一定程度上暂时性地缓解了这一矛盾,但是如何真正有效解决这一问题,事关藏区和谐社会的构建。本文尝试性地构建起一套旅游补偿调控机制,以期有效地解决藏族社区旅游冲突问题,达到香格里拉地区的和谐与稳定发展。

关键词: 香格里拉, 旅游社区冲突, 旅游补偿, 调控机制