Journal of Beijing International Studies Universit ›› 2015, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (7): 26-.

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On the Communication of Civilized Travel based on Tourists’ cognition

Zheng Yang/ Zheng Xianfang/ Zhu Sha   

  1. 1.Beijing International Studies University, Beijing100024, China;2.Capital Normal University, Beijing100048, China
  • Received:2015-03-24 Published:2015-07-30


郑 杨1 郑先芳1 朱 莎2   

  1. 1. 北京第二外国语学院 北京 100024;2. 首都师范大学 北京 100048
  • 作者简介:郑杨(1962— ),女,浙江江山人,北京第二外国语学院旅游管理学院副教授,研究方向为旅游管理。 郑先芳(1990— ),女,云南镇雄人,北京第二外国语学院旅游管理学院研究生,研究方向为旅游管理。 朱莎(1985— ),女,河南安阳人,首都师范大学资源环境与旅游学院博士研究生,研究方向为旅游管理。
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: Based on the tourists’cognition for civilized travel and travel communication,the study analyzes the effects of various communication channels. The result reveals that travel websites,mass media,Application and We chat related service and travel agents are the most effective channels to carry travel information from which tourists obtain travel information,followed by Application,We chat,travel information network and Weibo provided by the government,while Tourist Information Center,Tourist Distribution Center and Tourist hotline ranked third. Based on the result,this study tries to build a model on spreading civilized travel information and puts forward related strategies for providing a new prospective and method to promote tourists’civilized travel.

Keywords: tourists’cognition; civilized travel; communication path

摘要: 本文基于游客对文明旅游及文明旅游传播路径的认知,比较和分析各传播渠道的效果后发现:获取文明旅游信息最便捷、携带文明旅游信息最丰富的渠道是各类旅游网站、大众传媒、移动端旅游类APP、旅游服务类微信以及旅行社门店,其次是政府移动端APP、政府微信、政府旅游信息网、政府微博及旅游宣传媒介。相较而言,旅游咨询中心、旅游集散中心、旅游服务热线12301 等渠道表现最差。据此结果,本文尝试构建文明旅游传播模式并提出推广策略,为促进文明旅游提供新视角和新方法。

关键词: 游客认知, 文明旅游, 传播路径