Journal of Beijing International Studies Universit ›› 2013, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (11): 38-47.

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A Study of Text Mining on Online Reviews of Luxury Business Hotels in Guangzhou

Xiong Wei / Guo Yangjie   

  1. Department of Tourism Management,South China Normal University
  • Received:2013-04-13 Published:2013-11-30


熊 伟 郭扬杰   

  1. 华南师范大学旅游管理系
  • 作者简介:熊伟(1981~ ),女,湖南长沙人,硕士,华南师范大学旅游管理系教师,主要研究方向为酒店管理与旅游电子商务等。 郭扬杰(1990~ ),男,广东汕头人,华南师范大学旅游管理系2008级本科生,主要研究方向为旅游管理。
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: Online Hotel Reviews are an authentic reflection of hotel guests’ perception of hotel service. Despite the existence of some research results on this issue in academia, the majority of them made use of content analysis, which leads to a restricted application of these findings in practice due to its limited ability of batch processing. This study aims to analyze online customer reviews of luxury business hotels in Guangzhou in terms of word frequency and emotion with the combination of text mining and time series analysis methods, in order to predict its development tendency. The research outcomes show that“overall services”and“room”are gaining increasingly attention within online reviews of luxury business hotels by business guests recently. Reviews on service quality are transferring from technical quality to functional quality as well. Secondly, positive emotion dominates online business guest reviews on service quality of luxury business hotels over the years. And its dominance becomes strengthened. Thirdly, the results of time series analysis reveal that in the first half of 2012,“overall services”and “convenience”would be concerned the most within online business guest reviews of luxury business hotels in Guangzhou. In the meantime, more reviews would be accompanied with negative emotions. Limitations and future research suggestions are also discussed.

Keywords: text mining; service quality; online reviews; luxury business hotel

摘要: 酒店在线评论是顾客对酒店服务质量的真实感知,学术界已有利用其进行酒店服务质量研究的相关成果,但多采用内容分析法,不能对评论进行批量处理,成果应用大受限制。基于此,本文利用文本挖掘技术的批量处理功能,选取高档商务型酒店的顾客在线评论作为研究对象,对酒店顾客的在线评论进行词频和情感分析,并结合时间序列分析法预测未来的发展情况。主要结论有:第一,近年来高档商务酒店的商务顾客对其服务质量在线评论最主要的关注面是 “总体服务”和“客房”,并从技术质量向功能质量转移;第二,近年来高档商务酒店顾客对其服务质量在线评论的情绪心理以积极情绪为主且有不断加强的趋势;第三,时间序列分析结果显示,2012年上半年商务顾客对广州市高档商务酒店服务质量的关注程度从高到低依次为“总体服务”、“方便性”、“酒店环境”、“交通”和“客房”,同时,2012年上半年广州市高档商务型酒店的顾客评论中会有较多带有消极情感的评论出现。最后,笔者也对本文存在的局限性和后续可以深入的研究进行了讨论。

关键词: 文本挖掘, 服务质量, 在线评论, 商务型酒店