北京第二外国语学院学报 ›› 2014, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (3): 69-.

• 资源开发与管理 • 上一篇    下一篇


屈 册   

  1. 东北财经大学旅游与酒店管理学院 辽宁大连 116023
  • 收稿日期:2013-09-26 出版日期:2014-03-31 发布日期:2014-06-09
  • 作者简介:屈册(1989~ ),女,河南省邓州市人,东北财经大学旅游与酒店管理学院旅游管理专业2011级硕士研究生,主要研究方向:旅游社会文化、旅游体验等。

Comparing Research About Tourism World Construction Based on Network Text Analysis——Based on Ping Yao

Qu Ce   

  1. School of Tourism and Hotel Management,Dongbei University of Finance and Economics,Dalian 16023
  • Received:2013-09-26 Online:2014-03-31 Published:2014-06-09

摘要: 旅游世界是一个由旅游者主导的特殊时空框架,有别于日常生活世界,它作为一种“存在”是在一定境域中“生成”和“建构”的。对旅游世界的建构可通过叙事,亦可在物质世界借助实体,通过旅游体验实地建构,建构主体有旅游者、政府、企业、东道主等。笔者为更好地分析旅游世界的建构,以平遥古城为例,运用内容分析法,借助网络平台,研究两大主要利益主体供给者和需求者话语中建构的平遥古城旅游世界的差异和相同之处,以使供求相互“协商”,推动旅游的可持续发展。

关键词: 旅游世界; 建构; 对比; 平遥古城

Abstract: Tourism World is a special framework of time and space, which is dominated by tourists and is different from the daily life world. It is as a kind of existence which can be generated and constructed in a certain realm. The way to construct the Tourism World is narration, materiality or tourist experience. The subject of construction is the tourist, the government, the business, the host and so on. In order to study the construction of Tourism World further, the research takes the Ping Yao Ancient City for example and analyzes it by means of content analysis, with the help of a network platform. The aim is to analyze the same and different points of the Tourism World constructed by the supplier and demander. From the results, we can infer that, the Tourism World constructed by the demander is embodied, relative and subjective. However, the Tourism World that the supplier constructs is visual, absolute and objective. Detailed analysis can help the “negotiation” between the demander and the supplier, to promote the sustainable tourism development.

Keywords: tourism world; construction; comparison; Ping Yao Ancient City