北京第二外国语学院学报 ›› 2015, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (11): 49-.

• 产品与市场 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 中共甘肃省委党校经济社会发展研究所 甘肃兰州 730070
  • 收稿日期:2015-06-29 出版日期:2015-11-30
  • 作者简介:温煜华(1981— ),女,甘肃白银人,博士,中共甘肃省委党校副教授,研究方向: 温泉旅游。
  • 基金资助:

Classification of Tourists based on Motivation: A Case Study of Hot Spring Tourists in Gansu Province

Wen Yuhua   

  1. Gansu Provincial Party School of CPC, Research Institute of Economic and Social Development, Lanzhou 730070, China
  • Received:2015-06-29 Online:2015-11-30

摘要: 深入了解游客的动机和需求,是提高游客满意度和设计产品的关键因素。本文选取甘肃温泉游客为研究对象,对其旅游动机进行了实证研究。首先,通过因子—聚类分析法获取甘肃温泉游客的六种主要动机,并在动机基础上把温泉游客分为四种类型,分别是“休憩型”、“自我发展型”、“友情型”和“多目的追求型”。其次,运用方差分析法对不同类型游客群体的人口特征和旅游行为方面的差异进行比较,得出不同类型游客在受教育程度、职业和住宿地的选择3个方面的差异达到了显著水平,而其他方面的差异则不明显。最后,针对不同游客群体的特点,提出相应的产品设计、营销策略等管理决策。

关键词: 温泉旅游; 旅游动机; 游客类型; “因子—聚类”分析; 甘肃

Abstract: Understanding both the motivation and needs of tourist is the key to improve tourist satisfaction and to design tourist products. The present study investigated tourist motivation of hot springs in Gansu province through questionnaire survey. By compiling the data, six tourist motivations were acquired by “factor-cluster” analysis, and four types of hot spring tourists are identified. Variance analysis method was used to compare the difference of both demographic characteristics and travel behavior among four tourist types; it shows that three aspects of difference reached significant level including education level, occupation and accommodation selection. Finally, this paper provides some management advice for product design and marketing strategy against different types of tourists.

Keywords: hot spring; tourist motivation; tourist types; “factor-cluster” analysis; Gansu