北京第二外国语学院学报 ›› 2014, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (6): 1-.

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  1. 北京第二外国语学院 北京 100024
  • 收稿日期:2014-05-26 出版日期:2014-06-30 发布日期:2018-03-20
  • 作者简介:胡继华(1962~ ),博士,北京第二外国语学院跨文化研究院教授,主要研究领域为比较文学与比较文化。

The Magic Words as the Vehicle of Gnosticism: Discriminations on the concept "Romanticism"

Hu Jihua   

  1. Beijing International Studies University, Beijing 100024,China
  • Received:2014-05-26 Online:2014-06-30 Published:2018-03-20

摘要: 浪漫主义(Romanticism)常常在多种意义上被使用,在18、19世纪的宏大理论脉络之中,这个术语的历史同现代、理性、世俗化及其相关哲学假设,还有趣味、判断标准、审美文化,存在着剪不断理还乱的关系。这种复杂的关系,甚至汇入了思想史、批评史以及政治观念史的语境之中,成为跨学科考察的对象。在观念史家笔下,这个桀骜不纯而拒绝定位的浪漫主义是一个危险的异数,历史灾异的根源。在文学批评的整体视野下,同古典主义相比较,浪漫主义在诗歌、诗歌想象作用与性质上存在着相同的看法,对自然与人的关系所见略同,对诗体风格极其修辞上都有相同的选择取向。在政治思想史的论域,浪漫主义是一种政治决断论,它宣告每一个体都可以行使高贵无羁的自由意志,伸张自我,决定命运,选择未来。

关键词: 浪漫主义; 观念史; 整体批评观; 政治哲学

Abstract: Having always been used in many senses, the history of the concept“Romanticism” has a kind of complicated relationship to modernity, rationality, secularization and various philosophical assumptions concerning with them, and to the aesthetic taste, the criteria of judgment, and cultural milieu as well, in the context of grand theories in the turn of 18th and 19th centuries. Then, the history of concepts within the complex connections with history of intellectual, critical, political ideas has become the object of interdisciplinary studies. However, we could discern three strains in the narrative tradition. Firstly, according to the historians, as one of the most intractable and unconstricted concepts,“Romanticism”may, properly speaking, be a dangerous heterogeneity, which is possibly the roots of historical disasters. Secondly, from the perspectives of literary criticism and compared with classicism, it seems to us that there have been, among Romantics in diversity, some common opinions about poetry, poetic imagination and its characteristics, the relations of man and universe, with the convergent orientations in poetic modes and its rhetorics. Finally, in the history of political thoughts, it may be asserted that the essence of Romanticism consists of a certain political decisionism, laying claim that every individual has its own right to actualize the noble will to freedom, self-assertion, self-determination of its destiny, and choice of its future.

Keywords: Romanticism; history of ideas; holistic criticism; political philosophy