Journal of Beijing International Studies University ›› 2017, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (2): 30-41.DOI: 10.12002/j.bisu.087

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A Study on the Cognitive Mechanism of Foreshadowing-echoing

ZHONG Shuneng / ZHENG Wenhui   

  1. South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510640, China
  • Received:2016-07-28 Online:2018-03-19 Published:2017-04-30


钟书能 郑文慧   

  1. 钟书能,华南理工大学外国语学院
  • 作者简介:钟书能,华南理工大学外国语学院,510640,研究方向:认知语言学及翻译研究。电子邮箱 郑文慧,华南理工大学外国语学院,510640,研究方向:翻译研究。
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: As a discourse-texture indicator pervasive in languages, the foreshadowing-echoing plays a crucial role in both cohesion and coherence in the construction of discourses, and it also helps readers to have a better understanding of the textures of discourses. The co-authors of the present paper make an attempt to probe into the cognitive mechanism of foreshadowing-echoing in novels from the perspective of conceptual metonymy, especially from that of high-level metonymy. To take Lu Xun’s novels as an example, it shows that there are various corresponding counterparts between foreshadowing and echoing in different contexts in novels. However, it is also found that there exist delicate shades of cause-effect differences among three types of foreshadowing-echoing in Lun Xun’s works. As for one foreshadowing for one echoing or one foreshadowing for multiple-echoing, the echoing is taken as the cause while foreshadowing as the effect. On the other hand, concerning multiple-foreshadowing for one echoing, the foreshadowing is treated as the cause while the echoing as the effect. Based on the present research, it is obvious that the frequent use of foreshadowing-echoing in texts undoubtedly enhances both the writing art and the literary thoughts in Lu Xun’s works. Thus, it is concluded by claiming that our research is of some implication to cognitive linguistics, translation studies and foreign language teaching and research in China.

Keywords: novel; text; foreshadowing-echoing; high-level metonymy; cognitive mechanism

摘要: 伏应,即伏笔照应,是一种普遍的语篇连接现象,它作为语篇性的一种重要体现,有助于揭示语篇的实质,帮助读者更加全面地了解语篇性。本文试图从转喻的角度入手,对小说中的伏应现象进行解读,解释其中蕴含的高层转喻思维,为伏应现象的研究提供新的视角。本文在列举、分析鲁迅小说中的三种伏应类型的基础上指出,三种类型的伏应关系都是在伏和应的因果关联激活过程中呈现出转喻思维的,这种转喻思维又因伏应类型的不同而呈现出细微的差别:就一伏一应和一伏多应而言,应笔为因,伏笔为果;就多伏一应而言,应笔为果,伏笔为因。伏应的巧妙运用能够大大增强语篇的思想深度和艺术效果。

关键词: 小说, 语篇, 伏应, 高层转喻, 认知机制

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