Journal of Beijing International Studies University ›› 2015, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (12): 17-.

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A Cognitive Study of the Chinese Motion Verb “Lai ”——From the Perspective of Motion Event

Jin Hui   

  1. Foreign Language Department, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
  • Received:2015-09-08 Online:2018-03-20 Published:2015-12-30


金 辉   

  1. 中国科学院大学外语系 北京 100049
  • 作者简介:金辉(1981— ),女,吉林白山人,中国科学院大学外语系讲师,研究方向:认知语言学。

Abstract: The Chinese motion verb “Lai” which means “come” in the domain of SPACE lexicalizes the semantic component “path”, and forms unique features in terms of the Vector, the Confirmation and the Deictic. The Cross-domain mappings from SPACE to STATE, ACTION, TIME and LIFE are all based upon this. This study aims to illustrate the working mechanisms of its semantic extensions formed in the above domains under the theoretical framework of Conceptual Metaphor and Motion Event.

Keywords: vector; confirmation; deictic; conceptual metaphor; motion event

摘要: “空间域”中作为“行来之来”的“来”本身词汇并入了路径概念,形成了独特的“矢量”、“构形”及“指向”特征。“来”从“空间域”向“状态域”、“动作域”、“时间域”以及“生命域”的跨域映射都是基于这一物质基础。本文以概念隐喻理论及运动事件理论为框架,阐释“来”在上述各域中形成语义拓展的背后机制。

关键词: 矢量, 构形, 指向, 概念隐喻, 运动事件