Journal of Beijing International Studies University ›› 2016, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (4): 55-67.DOI: 10.12002/j.bisu.2016.032

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A Corpus-based Contrastive Study of EFL Synonymous Phrases —From the Perspective of Phraseology

PENG Cheng   

  1. Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai 200240, China
  • Received:2016-04-21 Online:2018-03-20 Published:2016-08-30



  1. 彭程,上海交通大学
  • 作者简介:彭程,上海交通大学,200240,研究方向:应用语言学、二语习得。电子邮箱

Abstract: The bulk of literature on the contrastive study of synonyms’ phraseological features under the theory of corpus linguistics has focused on individual words rather than phrases. The present study adopts a corpus-based approach to explore the usage of synonymous phrases in the framework of extended unit of meaning, referring to the theory of Phraseology. Three phrases are selected based on their high frequency in corpus: lead to, bring about and result in. The sample synonyms in this research are retrieved with AntConc and analyzed in COCA and CLEC to find out different phraseological features in four dimensions: collocation, colligation, semantic preference and prosody. Then, a contrastive analysis will be conducted to induce the deviated usage by EFL learners from native speakers to reveal their inconsistent grammatical patterns, semantic fields and emotional attitudes. The research findings demonstrate that the number of collocates of these synonyms in COCA is much larger; their colligations in COCA are more varied; their semantic preferences are more diverse; their prosodies form a hierarchy of attitudes. In contrast, the synonyms’ collocates in CLEC are fewer than those in COCA; the colligations of these three synonyms in CLEC are simpler than those in COCA; the synonyms’ semantic preferences in CLEC are less complicated than those in COCA; the synonyms’ prosodies in CLEC are almost similar: negative with little positive, unlike those in COCA, which boast hierarchical attitudes and feelings.

Keywords: synonym; phraseology; collocation; colligation; semantic preference; prosody

摘要: 语料库语言学框架下的同义词使用特征对比主要以单个词为研究对象,很少关注同义词组。本文基于短语学理论,以当代美国英语语料库(COCA)及中国英语学习者语料库(CLEC)为基础,利用AntConc做检索,对表示“引起,导致”的一组3个同义动词词组(lead to,bring about,result in)在两个语料库中的短语学使用特征进行对比分析。在扩展式意义单位的框架下,聚焦于这组同义词组的4个使用特征范畴,包括搭配、类联接、语义倾向以及语义韵,辨析这组动词词组之间细微的语义和用法差异并揭示它们的结构模式、使用语域及情感态度。结果显示:这组词组在COCA中的搭配词数量较多,类联接较多样化,语义倾向较丰富,语义韵具有层级性;CLEC中的搭配词反映出该组同义词组的EFL类联接较为简化,且语义倾向较为单一。中国英语学习者在使用这组同义词组时均表现为“整体消极,夹杂积极”的态度,出现不同程度的语义韵偏离。

关键词: 同义词组, 短语学, 搭配, 类联接, 语义倾向, 语义韵

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