Journal of Beijing International Studies Universit ›› 2015, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (11): 42-.

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A Study on Consumption Trends of Tourist and Tourism Product Development Strategy Based on the Perspective of Tourism Experience

Xie Chunshan1 / Zhang Yujin1 / Wang Enxu2   

  1. 1. College of History, Culture and Tourism, Liaoning Normal University, Dalian 116081, China; 2. School of Tourism and Hospitality Management, Northeast University of Finance and Economics, Dalian 116025, China
  • Received:2015-08-11 Published:2015-11-30


谢春山1 张裕金1 王恩旭2   

  1. 1. 辽宁师范大学历史文化旅游学院 辽宁大连 116081;
    2. 东北财经大学旅游与酒店管理学院 辽宁大连 116025
  • 作者简介:谢春山(1966— ),男,辽宁绥中人,辽宁师范大学历史文化旅游学院教授,博士,硕士生导师,研究方向:旅游文化与旅游基础理论。 张裕金(1989— ), 女,辽宁营口人,辽宁师范大学历史文化旅游学院旅游系2013 级硕士研究生,研究方向:旅游管理与旅游教育。 王恩旭(1980— )男,辽宁沈阳人,东北财经大学旅游与酒店管理学院讲师,博士,研究方向:旅游规划与旅游管理。

Abstract: Under the era of experience context, the influence of tourism experience has expanded. This paper analyzes the connotation of tourism experience and explains features of tourism experience from five perspectives. An evaluation indicator system on trend of tourism consumption has been constructed. Features of tourism consumption trend from four main aspects are listed with focus on tourism consumption. Tactics on developing tourism product are finally suggested.

Keywords: tourism experience; trends of tourism consumption; tactics of product development

摘要: 随着体验时代的到来和旅游体验影响的日益扩大,学术界越来越重视从旅游体验的视角分析和探讨旅游产品的开发问题。本文首先分析了旅游体验的内涵,并从主观性、情感性、参与性、非功利性、延续性视角阐述了旅游体验的特征。然后,从旅游消费情感结构、旅游消费行为文化、旅游消费参与方式、旅游消费取向心理4 个方面构建了游客消费趋势评价指标体系并进行实证研究,依据研究评价结果从旅游消费结构中情感需求的上升、旅游消费行为上文化蕴涵的凸显、旅游消费方式上参与性的增强、旅游消费取向上心理感受的强化4 个方面深入分析了游客消费趋势特征。最后,提出了基于游客消费趋势的旅游体验产品的开发策略。

关键词: 旅游体验, 游客消费趋势, 产品开发策略