Journal of Beijing International Studies University ›› 2016, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (4): 3-11.DOI: 10.12002/j.bisu.2016.050

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Flowers of Friendship Blossom in Sino-Albanian Cultural Exchanges and Cooperation

ZHENG Enbo   

  1. Chinese National Academy of Arts, Beijing 100021, China
  • Received:2016-08-15 Online:2018-03-20 Published:2016-08-30



  1. 郑恩波,中国艺术研究院
  • 作者简介:郑恩波,中国艺术研究院中、外文学研究员,中国作家协会、翻译家协会会员,阿尔巴尼亚作家与艺术家协会唯一的外籍荣誉会员,100021。研究方向:阿尔巴尼亚、塞尔维亚文学及中国当代文学。

Abstract: The author is the first Chinese literary and art worker who is dedicated solely to the study of Sino-Albanian bilateral cultural exchanges and cooperation and is a distinguished translator who has translated the greatest number of Albanian literary works into Chinese. In this paper, by using precious first-hand materials accumulated for decades, the author introduces in detail the fruitful results achieved in cultural exchange and cooperation between the two countries for more than half a century. The paper covers a wide range of aspects including translation and introduction of literary works, achievements of literature research, communications and exchanges of the two countries’ writers and artists, communications of art troupes, etc. The paper gives an accurate and comprehensive summary of various aspects, which provides us with literary and historical information for further study. In addition, the author also looks forward to the inspiring prospects of cultural exchanges and cooperation between the two countries. With the stimulation of “One Belt and One Road”, literary and art workers of both countries are sure to achieve greater accomplishments.

Keywords: flower of friendship; Albania’s “Qionghua” and “Laosi”; Sino- Albanian cultural exchanges and cooperation

摘要: 本文作者郑恩波研究员是我国唯一的以研究中阿文化交流与合作为专职的文艺工作者,是翻译阿尔巴尼亚文学作品最多的翻译家。在本文中,作者用几十年积累的珍贵的第一手资料,详细而全面地介绍了半个多世纪以来,中阿两国在不同的历史时期在文化交流与合作的方方面面所取得的丰硕成果。文章涉及的方面较为广泛:文学作品互相翻译与介绍;文学研究的成绩;两国文艺家互访;艺术团的访问。多方面的内容都做了准确全面的概括,具有重要的史料文献价值。另外,作者还对未来中阿两国的文化交流与合作事业做了令人欢欣鼓舞的展望,相信在“一带一路”的美好构想鼓舞下,中阿两国文艺工作者一定会取得更加丰美的果实。

关键词: 友谊之花, 阿尔巴尼亚的“琼花”和“老四”, 中阿文化交流与合作

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