北京第二外国语学院学报, 2018, 40(5): 37-53 doi: 10.12002/j.bisu.180


基于语料库的中美媒体关于中国雾霾报道的对比研究 ——以批评话语分析为视角



A Corpus-based Contrastive Study of the Reports on the Haze in China in the Chinese and American Media: A Critical Discourse Analysis Perspective

LIU Ning,

College of Foreign Languages, Qufu Normal University, Qufu 273165,China

收稿日期: 2016-06-1   网络出版日期: 2018-10-15

Received: 2016-06-1   Online: 2018-10-15

作者简介 About authors

刘宁,曲阜师范大学外国语学院,273165,研究方向:翻译理论与实践语料库翻译学 , E-mail:986987851@qq.com



关键词: 批评话语分析 ; 语料库 ; 雾霾 ; 意识形态 ; 生态话语 ; 西方媒体 ; 国家形象


Environmental protection, as a hot topic, has been drawing great attention for a long time. Especially, in recent years a number of haze reports have appeared and they hold different attitudes and opinions towards the haze phenomenon. At present, the virtual image of a country depicted by mainstream media is of great significance for the construction of national image. So, it’s necessary for us to make clear the ideological reflections within the haze report made by the western media, which is much beneficial for China to report in a more proper and suitable way. The perspective, critical discourse analysis provides us with some inspirations and insights into the analysis of ideology. To be specific, dialectical-relational approach (DRA) is employed during the process of critical discourse analysis. The analytical framework is constructed from the following four stages: stage one, to focus upon a social wrong, in its semiotic aspect; stage two, to identify obstacles to addressing the social wrong; stage three, to consider whether the social order “needs” the social wrong; stage four, to identify possible ways to overcome the obstacles. This paper, based on a self-established mini corpus, explores the differences about the haze reports in the Chinese and American media. The data analysis is carried out from the four aspects: word frequency, concordance line, collocates, and clusters. After the microstructure analysis of data and the macrostructure analysis with DRA, it is found that the reports on the haze reveal great differences in the media, which in fact is a good reflection of the ideological disparity. The American media, intending to set up a negative image of China, lays great emphasis on the cause and effect of haze, while the Chinese media on the management and future prospects.

Keywords: critical discourse analysis ; corpus ; haze ; ideology ; ecological discourse ; western media ; national image

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刘宁. 基于语料库的中美媒体关于中国雾霾报道的对比研究 ——以批评话语分析为视角. 北京第二外国语学院学报, 2018, 40(5): 37-53. DOI:10.12002/j.bisu.180

LIU Ning. A Corpus-based Contrastive Study of the Reports on the Haze in China in the Chinese and American Media: A Critical Discourse Analysis Perspective. JOURNAL OF BEIJING INTERNATIONAL STUDIES UNIVERSITY, 2018, 40(5): 37-53. DOI:10.12002/j.bisu.180



批评话语分析(Critical Discourse Analysis,通常简称CDA)是进行新闻文本分析的有效方式(van Dijk,1998)。批评话语分析学者认为,话语是社会实践,分析话语需要分析话语产生的社会、政治、经济背景以及话语背后的意识形态和权利关系,并分析话语实践能否复制或重建现有的话语秩序和社会实践,批判和重建话语的意识形态和霸权功能(Stamou,2001;Kuo & Nakamura,2005;Murata,2007)。对雾霾报道进行批评话语分析,不仅能够明确该话语的语言学特征,而且能让公众意识到媒体话语塑造其观点的方式。

批评话语分析的原则和方法可以指导我们更好地进行话语分析。常用的批评话语分析方法包括:社会认知方法、话语—历史观方法以及辩证—关系分析法。社会认知方法(Sociocognitive Approach,SCA)的研究视角为社会—心理视角,理论基础为社会—认知理论。van Dijk(2014:62~86)认为,认知在话语研究中具有重要作用,话语研究在“话语—认知—社会”三角关系的框架中进行。他注重语言使用者心理活动在这一框架中所起的作用,关注认知现象如何与话语结构、言语交流、交流事件和形式联系起来。为了对交流事件进行解释,他引入了一些典型的认知概念,如心智模型(mental models)和语境模型(context models)。话语—历史观方法(Discourse-Historical Approach,DHA)的主要原则是由Martin Reisigl和Ruth Wodak提出的,这些原则包括:跨学科性;问题导向性;理论和方法的综合性;把具体研究和民族文化特色结合起来,进行全面分析和理论化;理论与数据之间的相互验证;研究不同体裁、公共领域以及文本交织和话语交织之间的关系;在阐释文本和话语时,将话语—历史观分析法考虑在内;分类和工具不是一成不变的;分析时理论基础不是绝对的;分析结果应具有适用性(Reisigl & Wodak,2014:95)。辩证—关系分析法(Dialectical-Relational Approach,DRA)的主要代表人物Fairclough认为,DRA应当关注马克思主义传统中的社会冲突,并试图在话语中发现意识形态在语言层面的体现方式,尤其是表示主导、冷漠及反抗的元素;DRA还应对符号和其他社会要素之间的辩证关系加以阐释(Wodak & Meyer,2014:27)。

语料库语言学分析法(Corpus Linguistics Approach,CLA)是一种新的研究视角,常用来进行批评话语分析。近期采用CLA进行的相关研究主要有:Baker & McEnery(2005)Orpin(2005)Nelson(2005)Baker et al.(2008)等。基于语料库的批评话语分析能够发挥批评话语分析和语料库技术的优势,即将定性与定量研究相结合,以减少研究者主观偏见对研究产生的影响,增强研究的客观性。Hardt-Mautner(1995)是第一位倡导将批评话语分析和语料库技术相结合的学者,他认为语料库强大的技术能够支持对大量语篇进行定性研究。



近20年来,越来越多的国外学者将语料库技术运用于批评话语分析。这些研究主要通过对文本中的词频、索引行、主题词、搭配以及词丛进行考察,通过对词汇型式和语法结构的观察来探索话语的内在意义(邵斌、回志明,2014:28)。研究所关注的话题呈现多样性,既有对气候环境的关注,也有对转基因作物和政治性话语的关注。例如,英国诺丁汉大学Nerlich, Forsyth & Clarke(2012)长期关注与生态环境相关的话题,利用语料库手段对低碳话语、气候话语所蕴含的意识形态进行了细致分析。Augoustinos,Crabb & Shepherd(2010)对英国《泰晤士报》《卫报》等六大报刊就转基因话题的相关报道进行了研究,发现“人们对于转基因的争论被媒体塑造成了一场政治斗争,带有浓重的政治色彩”。基于语料库的战争话语以及政治话语分析也是批评话语分析研究的热点(Louann & Lombardo,2009;Kim,2014)。有研究也将关注点聚焦到媒体对难民的报道上,如Baker & McEnery(2005)课题组运用语料库索引行、主题词等分析方法考察了英国媒体对难民的话语建构,研究发现,媒体对难民话语的建构总持有一种消极的语气和态度。国内在这一领域的相关研究才刚起步。钱毓芳(Qian Yufang,2008)对《太阳报》和《人民日报》在“9 • 11”前后对恐怖主义问题进行报道的话语建构进行了研究。她(2016)还以英国主流报刊从2000年以来关于低碳经济的报道为分析对象,采用语料库和话语研究相结合的方法考察了低碳话语的建构及其嬗变,从而探究话语背后所反映的社会现实。Cheng & Lam(2013)对比分析了1997年和2013年西方媒体对香港的报道,探究了香港形象变化的原因。








通过输入查找关键词“haze”和“smog”,本研究从《中国日报》(China Daily)官网上选取了33篇近年来关于中国雾霾的报道,从《纽约时报》(New York Times)官网上选取了20篇关于中国雾霾的报道,发表时间跨度为2013年至2016年。由于《中国日报》上的每篇报道篇幅相对较短,为了使两个语料库库容相近,故在篇章数量的选取上作了相应调整,减少了因库容相差太大可能对分析结果造成的影响。《中国日报》语料库总形符数为18 853,《纽约时报》为18 816。之所以选取这两家媒体的报道,是因为这两家媒体的覆盖面广、影响力大,能够分别代表中、美两国的政治立场和意识形态,也能够很好地开展对比分析。







表1   高频词排序结果

纽约时报 中国日报
Total No. of Word Types:3 640 Total No. of Word Types:3 470
Total No. of Word Tokens:18 816 Total No. of Word Tokens:18 853
1 176 China 1 215 air
2 174 said 2 215 said
3 161 Beijing 3 191 pollution
4 138 air 4 176 Beijing
5 119 pollution 5 141 smog
6 96 Chinese 6 119 China
7 75 alert 7 86 environmental
8 73 government 8 80 coal
9 67 red 9 71 haze
10 64 officials 10 71 PM
11 64 smog 11 65 quality
12 52 environmental 12 64 year
13 52 city 13 58 cities
14 48 coal 14 46 percent
15 45 people 15 40 city

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表1可见:第一,无论是《中国日报》还是《纽约时报》,都以北京的雾霾状况为报道重点,这符合北京的城市地位以及近年来北京雾霾严重这一事实;第二,关于环境污染的一些高频词也赫然在列,例如air、pollution、smog、coal、environmental。相较之下,《纽约时报》高频词列表上red、alert出现频率较高,因为“red alert”通常作为一个整体使用,暗示了严重的环境污染所导致的雾霾现象迫使中国政府不得不发出红色警报,提醒人们注意环境状况。在其高频词列表上,government、officials出现频率也较高,但是没有出现在《中国日报》高频词前15位列表中。在《纽约时报》的报道中,这两个词多与政策、计划、行动、观点等表达相关,体现了中国政府面对雾霾所采取的措施和所持的态度。然而,这些措施和态度字里行间体现的是一种消极、否定甚至批判的意味。下文将分别选取一些具有代表性的词和高频词进行索引行分析及提取分析。




图1   《纽约时报》“China”索引行列表


图2   《中国日报》“China”索引行列表

《纽约时报》“China”索引行列表共有检索项176项,《中国日报》共有119项。这说明“China”一词在《纽约时报》中出现的频率要远高于《中国日报》。对与“China”相关的连接词以及句意进行详细分析后发现,在《纽约时报》中与“China”相关的成分大致如下:devil’s handshake,China’s environmental crisis,Now China is that ill person trying to recover from air pollution,outdoor air pollution contributed to 1.2 million premature deaths in China in 2010,This air quality panic shows that there is something wrong with China’s entire ecological environment,China’s Smog Worries,an expanse of toxic air smothered northern China,Premier Li Keqiang of China said on Sunday that the government was failing to satisfy public demands to stanch pollution,China’s air pollution problem is a focus of considerable anger,China’s toxic air,smog has led to 1.4 million premature deaths in China every year等。在这些与“China”相关的成分表达中,既有将中国遭遇雾霾现象比喻为“中国与魔鬼的一次握手”,将雾霾现象说成一次严重的环境危机,也有将中国比喻为“一个挣扎在环境污染边缘的病人”,还有一些关于雾霾本身造成危害的表达,如:“雾霾是一种有毒气体”“在2010年雾霾造成120万人过早死亡”“雾霾激起民众巨大愤怒”等。


表示国家名称类:China’s coal-powered economy,China’s primary energy consumption,China’s reliance on coal,China’s efforts to reduce pollution,China’s environmental challenges,China’s air pollution,China’s development model,stipulated by the State Council,China’s Cabinet。这些例子大多客观分析了雾霾现象产生的原因,指出了发展过程中对煤炭能源的过度依赖以及不合理的经济发展模式,同时也正视了中国环境污染的现状以及面临的巨大挑战,表明环境治理的坚定决心。

表示地理区域类:northern China,across China,western China,central China,Southwest China,southern parts of China,China’s northern and central regions,eastern China,northeast China。这些表达基本上涵盖了中国的整个地理区域范围,意在表明各个地区的空气质量状况以及雾霾严重程度,从侧面反映出整个中国的空气污染比较严重,雾霾现象令人堪忧。

表示组织机构名称类:China National Coal Association,the People’s Bank of China research bureau,China Innovation Center,the China Research Academy of Environmental Sciences,China Daily,China Meteorological Administration, China Association for Science and Technology,China-Japan Friendship Hospital,China National Environmental Monitoring Center。这些组织机构中有相当一部分是对一些专家、学者进行采访时所作的身份界定。采访所涉及的话题主要有:空气污染的成因,空气污染造成的负面影响以及解决污染的措施等。组织机构的言论更具代表性和说服力,一定程度上体现了国家的意志。





表2   “air”的搭配词列表

纽约时报 中国日报
Total No. of Collocate Types:71 Total No. of Collocate Types:89
Total No. of Collocate Tokens:144 Total No. of Collocate Tokens:222
Rank Freq Freq(L) Freq(R) Stat Collocate Rank Freq Freq(L) Freq(R) Stat Collocate
1 20 20 0 1.43723 the 1 31 31 0 1.33571 the
2 13 13 0 6.46966 toxic 2 15 15 0 1.31681 of
3 12 12 0 2.90132 s 3 10 10 0 2.34998 s
4 10 10 0 1.29933 of 4 8 8 0 1.9705 for
5 6 6 0 2.20038 on 5 8 8 0 3.89972 an
6 3 3 0 2.23317 an 6 7 7 0 2.26167 with
7 2 2 0 0.23317 that 7 6 6 0 1.42457 on
8 2 2 0 5.50619 severe 8 6 6 0 0.2612 in
9 2 2 0 6.50619 poisonous 9 6 6 0 0.04775 and
10 2 2 0 3.23317 over 10 5 5 0 1.49084 The
11 2 2 0 5.28379 outdoor 11 5 5 0 3.45431 heavy
12 2 2 0 5.09115 national 12 5 5 0 5.19128 cold
13 2 2 0 2.23317 its 13 5 5 0 5.45431 against
14 2 2 0 4.28379 hazardous 14 4 4 0 4.99488 improve
15 2 2 0 1.61541 have 15 4 4 0 6.13239 cleaner
16 2 2 0 1.7513 from 16 3 3 0 5.23192 worsening
17 2 2 0 7.09115 foul 17 3 3 0 3.13239 reduce
18 2 2 0 5.09115 Embassy 18 3 3 0 3.95181 national
19 2 2 0 6.09115 battle 19 3 3 0 6.45431 dirty
20 2 2 0 4.92122 bad 20 3 3 0 3.79135 control
21 2 2 0 2.28379 about 21 3 3 0 4.86935 bad

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表3   “smog”的搭配词列表

纽约时报 中国日报
Total No. of Collocate Types:37 Total No. of Collocate Types:72
Total No. of Collocate Tokens:74 Total No. of Collocate Tokens:152
Rank Freq Freq(L) Freq(R) Stat Collocate Rank Freq Freq
Freq(R) Stat Collocate
1 14 14 0 2.03118 the 1 24 24 0 1.57512 the
2 12 12 0 2.67089 of 2 10 10 0 1.34049 of
3 5 5 0 6.82116 heavy 3 9 9 0 4.91095 heavy
4 3 3 0 1.92665 that 4 6 6 0 6.06296 thick
5 3 3 0 2.00985 s 5 6 6 0 5.64792 severe
6 2 2 0 4.87774 toxic 6 5 5 0 0.60681 in
7 2 2 0 1.75673 for 7 4 4 0 6.74103 fighting
8 2 2 0 2.62982 by 8 3 3 0 1.64792 with
9 2 2 0 6.02975 bad 9 3 3 0 -0.32936 to
10 2 2 0 6.39232 As 10 3 3 0 1.39053 that
11 1 1 0 4.87774 worst 11 3 3 0 4.94748 recent
12 1 1 0 -0.84472 to 12 3 3 0 1.03321 on
13 1 1 0 2.07039 this 13 3 3 0 6.64792 combat
14 1 1 0 6.61471 thick 14 3 3 0 1.7531 by
15 1 1 0 7.19967 Thick 15 2 2 0 5.74103 without
16 1 1 0 1.01976 The 16 2 2 0 4.15606 winter
17 1 1 0 5.61471 tackle 17 2 2 0 0.77755 The
18 1 1 0 8.19967 struggles 18 2 2 0 5.47799 possible
19 1 1 0 5.61471 severe 19 2 2 0 6.47799 lingering
20 1 1 0 8.19967 pervasive 20 2 2 0 0.57914 for
21 1 1 0 6.19967 Over 21 2 2 0 5.74103 choking

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“smog”是语料的主题词,探究与其搭配词语的语义特点,有助于把握整个语篇的行文倾向及作者的立场态度。因此,笔者在分析时将“smog”作为关键词,查找其相关搭配。表3中,所列的词语是以“smog”作为中心词,查找到的左边与其相搭配的第一个词语。《纽约时报》中,与“smog”相搭配的词语主要分为两大类,其中一类主要描写雾霾的状貌和带来的严重后果,例如:heavy smog、thick smog、pervasive smog、gray smog 描写雾霾浓重弥漫以及灰白色的特征;toxic smog、bad smog、worst smog、severe smog、grim smog、awful smog则主要描写雾霾造成的严重后果,即对人的身体健康以及交通出行都带来了很大影响。另一类主要是一些与治理雾霾相关的表达,例如:tackle smog、fight smog、disperse smog。具体分析如下:“fight smog”所在的句子引用了原北京市市长王安顺的话,意在表明面对如此严峻的雾霾形势,政府和民众要团结起来,以坚强的意志共同对抗雾霾。文中引用这番话的言外之意是强调中国的雾霾污染程度严重,政府部门采取了一系列行动,如查看施工场地及交警检查站、核查公车数量、保证车辆按规定行驶等。“tackle smog”出现在《赫芬顿邮报》记者的报道中,表面上是在说中国政府对于治理雾霾和环境污染充满信心,实则在整篇报道的字里行间都洋溢着否定和讽刺的意味。“disperse smog”所在的句子间接引用了“通风通道”工程的设计者、香港中文大学Edward Ng教授质疑通过该工程治理雾霾效果的话,暗示中国政府并没有真正认清雾霾产生的原因,更没有采取有效的治理措施。

《中国日报》中与“smog”相关的搭配一方面体现了雾霾的严重性及危害,如hazardous smog、thick smog,另一方面在这些搭配中有大量与治理雾霾相关的表达出现,如fight smog、combat smog、reduce smog、improve smog、beat smog、battling smog 等。这些表达均表明国家制定了一系列措施来治理雾霾。




表4   “environmental”的搭配短语列表

纽约时报 中国日报
Total No. of Cluster Types:31 Total No. of Cluster Types:34
Total No. of Cluster Tokens:52 Total No. of Cluster Tokens:87
Rank Freq Cluster Rank Freq Cluster
1 7 Environmental Protection 1 25 Environmental Protection
2 6 environmental protection 2 10 environmental protection
3 4 environmental advocates 3 5 environmental issues
4 2 environmental degradation 4 4 Environmental Monitoring
5 2 environmental movement 5 4 Environmental Sciences
6 2 environmental officials 6 3 environmental monitoring
7 2 environmental policy 7 3 environmental problems
8 2 environmental pollution 8 3 environmental watchdog
9 2 environmental regulations 9 2 environmental and
10 2 Environmental Research 10 2 environmental emergency
11 1 environmental advocacy 11 2 Environmentalprofessionals
12 1 environmental advocate 12 2 environmental watchdogs
13 1 Environmental Affairs 13 1 environmental agency
14 1 environmental agencies 14 1 environmental authorities
15 1 environmental agency 15 1 environmental awareness
16 1 environmental awareness 16 1 environmental cases
17 1 environmental campaigners 17 1 environmental cause
18 1 environmental consequences 18 1 environmental challenges
19 1 environmental crisis 19 1 environmental emergencies
20 1 environmental damage 20 1 Environmental experts
21 1 environmental hazards 21 1 environmental impact
22 1 environmental health 22 1 Environmental issues
23 1 environmental issues 23 1 environmental laws
24 1 environmental laws 24 1 environmental legal
25 1 environmental minister 25 1 environmental nonprofits
26 1 Environmental Pollution 26 1 environmental official
27 1 environmental regulation 27 1 environmental pollution
28 1 environmental researcher 28 1 environmental prediction
29 1 environmental scholars 29 1 Environmental Professionals
30 1 environmental state 30 1 Environmental protection
31 1 environmental transparency 31 1 Environmental protection
32 1 environmental regulations
33 1 Environmental Resources
34 1 environmental studies

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通过分类观察发现,在《纽约时报》的报道中,与“environmental”相搭配的短语主要体现环境危机以及环境破坏程度严重,如:environmental degradation、environmental consequences、 environmental crisis、environmental damage、environmental hazards;而在《中国日报》中,其搭配短语主要表明与环境治理相关的环保机构名称、环保法规、环保专家,如:environmental watchdogs、environmental laws、environmental experts。这种差异体现了中美媒体关注的焦点不同:中国媒体关注环境保护与治理,这符合当下最迫切的要求和期望;与之相反,美国媒体则更加关注已经造成的环境污染和破坏,其目的在于强调中国政府对环境破坏负有不可推卸的责任。


如果说运用语料库对语言事实进行的分析属于微观结构分析,那么从辩证—关系视角展开的分析可以称之为宏观结构分析。同时进行微观和宏观结构分析,可以更深入地探讨文本和社会现实之间的辩证关系,折射出深层的意识形态,正如Fairclough(1992:158)所指出的,这种研究不仅能够阐释文本作者的意图,也能提供话语指令属性方面的信息。许多媒体话语分析都是从这两个视角展开的,如Halmari & östman(2001)Kuo & Nakamura(2005)Bekalu(2006)Lee & Lin(2006)。本文也将从这两个视角进行批评话语分析,微观层面采用了语料库语言学分析视角,宏观层面将从辩证—关系视角进行展开。






Augoustinos M, Crabb S & Shepherd R .

Genetically modified food in the news:Media representations of the GM debate in the UK

[J]. Public Understanding of Science, 2010,19(1):98~ 114.

URL     PMID:20533793      [本文引用: 1]

This paper analyses a corpus of articles on GM crops and food which appeared in six UK newspapers in the first three months of 2004, the year following the GM Nation? debate (2003). Using the methods of critical discourse analysis we focus on how specific and pervasive representations of the major stakeholders in the national debate on GM--the British public, the British government, the science of GM, and biotechnology companies--served significant rhetorical functions in the controversy. Of particular significance was the pervasive representation of the British public as uniformly opposed to GM crops and food which served rhetorically to position the British government as undemocratic and as being beholden to powerful political and economic interests. Of significance also in our analysis, is how the science of GM farming itself became a highly contested arena. In short, our analysis demonstrates how the GM debate was represented in the newsprint media as a "battleground" of competing interests. We conclude by considering the possible implications of this representation given the increasing emphasis placed on the importance of deliberative and inclusive forms of science policy decision-making.

Baker P & McEnery T .

A corpus-based approach to discourses of refugees and asylum seekers in UN and newspaper texts

[J]. Journal of Language and Politics, 2005,4(2):197~ 226.

URL     [本文引用: 2]

A corpus-based analysis of discourses of refugees and asylum seekers was carried out on data taken from a range of British newspapers and texts from the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees website, both published in 2003. Concordances of the terms refugee(s) and asylum seeker(s) were examined and grouped along patterns which revealed linguistic traces of discourses. Discourses which framed refugees as packages, invaders, pests or water were found in newspaper texts, although there were also cases of negative discourses found in the UNHCR texts, revealing how difficult it is to disregard dominant discourses. Lexical choice was found to be an essential aspect of maintaining discourses of asylum seekers 鈥 collocational analyses of terms like failed vs. rejected revealed the underlying attitudes of the writers towards the subject.

Baker P, Gabrielatos C, Khosravinik M, Krzyżanowski M, McEnery T & Wodak R .

A useful methodological synergy? Combining critical discourse analysis and corpus linguistics to examine discourses of refugees and asylum seekers in the UK press

[J]. Discourse & Society, 2008,19(3):273~ 305.

URL     [本文引用: 1]

This article discusses the extent to which methods normally associated with corpus linguistics can be effectively used by critical discourse analysts. Our research is based on the analysis of a 140-million-word corpus of British news articles about refugees, asylum seekers, immigrants and migrants (collectively RASIM). We discuss how processes such as collocation and concordance analysis were able to identify common categories of representation of RASIM as well as directing analysts to representative texts in order to carry out qualitative analysis. The article suggests a framework for adopting corpus approaches in critical discourse analysis.

Bekalu M A .

Presupposition in news discourse

[J]. Discourse & Society, 2006,17(2):147~ 172.

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Cheng W & Lam P W Y .

Western perceptions of Hong Kong ten years on:A corpus-driven critical discourse study

[J]. Applied Linguistics, 2013,34(2):173~ 190.

URL     [本文引用: 1]

This article studies the Western perceptions of and relations with Hong Kong a decade after the reversion of the sovereignty from Britain to China in 1997. Previous studies have demonstrated that the West had a significantly negative view on the future of Hong Kong with respect to the handover. According to recent observations, however, the perceptions of the West have undergone a noticeable change. This article aims at investigating the West's understanding, opinions and positions regarding Hong Kong today compared with those in 1997. The possible reasons for any changes are also investigated. Through the integration of the theories and methods of corpus linguistics and critical discourse analysis and the use of two corpus linguistic software, ConcGram and Wmatrix, the present article examines a range of Western public discourse of Hong Kong concerning the handover. The purpose of the article is to yield insights into the New Hong Kong in the eyes of the West, which in turn contributes to a re-examination of the relations and power balance between the West and China.

Fairclough N. Discourse and Social Change[M]. Cambridge: Polity Press, 1992.

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Fairclough N. A dialectical-relation approach to critical discourse analysis in social research[C]//Wodak R & Meyer M. Methods of Critical Discourse Analysis. 2nd ed. Beijing: Peking University Press, 2014: 162~ 186.

[本文引用: 2]

Firth J R .

A synopsis of linguistic theory 1930-1955

[C]// Palmer F R. Selected Papers of J. R. Firth 1952-59. London:Longmans, 1968: 182.

Haarman L & Lombardo L . Evaluation and Stance in War News:A Linguistic Analysis of American,British and Italian Television News Reporting of the 2003 Iraqi War[M]. London: Continuum, 2009.

Halmari H & östman J O .

The soft-spoken,angelic pickax killer:The notion of discourse pattern in controversial news reporting

[J]. Journal of Pragmatics, 2001,33(6):805~ 823.

URL     [本文引用: 1]

Using the controversial 1998 Karla Faye Tucker execution and its local newspaper coverage as an illustration, this paper investigates the applicability of the notion of discourse pattern (00stman, 1999) in a situation where, at first sight, the well-known, accepted, and familiar discourse pattern could be expected to fail. The local newspaper in the town where all Texas executions are carried out, has developed a highly predictable pattern of reporting about routine executions (Halmari, 1999). Our paper shows that even in the case where the routine pattern is expected to change (in this case because the person executed was a woman and a born-again Christian — two issues to cause plenty of controversy) the newspaper uses implicit means in order to ‘secretly’ adhere to the expected discourse pattern. While at the explicit level the news reports convey a balanced view (Karla is portrayed both as angelic and as a pickax killer), at an implicit level, the reports nevertheless also manage to fulfill the expectations of the members of the local community, which the newspaper — from its own perspective, rightly so — sees as its primary audience. The study supports the notion of discourse pattern as a force contributing to discourse coherence and aiding the cognitive processing of textual interpretation.

Hardt-Mautner G .

Only Connect: Critical Discourse Analysis and Corpus Linguistics[Z]

UCREL Technical Papers, 1995.

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Kim K H .

Examining US news media discourses about North Korea:A corpus-based critical discourse analysis

[J]. Discourse & Society, 2014,25(2):221~ 244.

URL     [本文引用: 1]

A quantitative, corpus-based approach is most illuminating for describing collocational and other recurrent patterns associated with specific lexical items acro...

Kuo Saihua & Nakamura M .

Translation or transformation? A case study of language and ideology in the Taiwanese press

[J]. Discourse & Society, 2005,16(3):393~ 417.

URL     [本文引用: 2]

Adopting the Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) approach, this study analyzes and discusses the news report related to Taiwan's first lady Wu Shu-chen's interview with the media which appeared in two ideologically opposed newspapers, i.e. the pro-reunification United Daily News and the pro-independence Liberty Times. Both news articles are translated from an identical English text. However, based on analysis of headlines, editorial deletion and addition, syntactic and lexical variations, as well as stylistic differences in paragraph/thematic combination, we have found that noticeable changes are made by the two translated Chinese versions. We argue that these transformations and differences found in the two Chinese texts are not arbitrary, but rather are ideologically motivated, that is, they reflect and construct the underlying opposed ideologies between the two newspapers.

Lee F L F & Lin A M Y .

Newspaper editorial discourse and the politics of self-censorship in Hong Kong

[J]. Discourse & Society, 2006,17(3):331~ 358.

URL     [本文引用: 1]

In transitional societies where political pressure on the press is coupled with a commercial media system and a professional journalistic culture, the politics of self-censorship is likely to involve a strategic contest between the media and political actors. Language plays a significant role in this contest. The present study focuses on the case of Hong Kong. It analyzes how two local newspapers, facing an important yet sensitive political issue, constructed two different overall storylines and used two different sets of discursive strategies in their editorials to handle political pressure, market credibility, and journalistic integrity simultaneously. The elite-oriented Ming Pao constructed a storyline of the debate as a factional struggle in order to posit itself as an impartial arbitrator. This approach was further sustained and justified by the discursive strategies of balanced and qualified criticisms and the rhetoric of rational discussion. The mass-oriented Apple Daily, on the other hand, constructed a storyline of a sovereign people whose rights are encroached upon by a powerful entity. The paper was therefore much more critical towards the power center. Nevertheless, it also appropriated the dominant discourse, constructed internal contradictions, and decentralized the Chinese central government to smooth out the radicalism of its criticisms. Copyright 漏 2006 SAGE Publication.

Louann H & Lombardo L . Evaluation and Stance in War News: A Linguistic Analysis of American,British and Italian Television News Reporting of the 2003 Iraqi War[M]. London: Continuum, 2009.

[本文引用: 1]

Murata K .

Pro- and anti-whaling discourses in British and Japanese newspaper reports in comparison:A cross-cultural perspective

[J]. Discourse & Society, 2007,18(6):741~ 764.

URL     [本文引用: 1]

This article compares and contrasts the discourse of whaling in British and Japanese newspaper reports. It investigates the ways in which pro- and anti-whaling discourses are formulated in the press by examining, in particular, the following features: (1) the use of specific lexis and syntactic structures, (2) the use of rhetorical devices, and (3) the control and organization of information at a discourse level. The article claims that British and Japanese news reports use very different strategies in expressing their anti- and pro-whaling stances; the former tend to use a more emotive and provocative tone, whereas the latter use a more restrained and factual tone. The article also claims that the issue of whaling tends to be discussed under different cultural assumptions and values in the respective discourses; and thus, suggests the possibility that readers may be influenced by the cumulative effects of these different discourses.

Nelson M .

Semantic associations in Business English:A corpus-based analysis

[J]. English for Specific Purposes, 2005,28(2):217~ 234.

URL     [本文引用: 1]

This paper examines the semantic associations of words found in the business lexical environment by using a one-million word corpus of both spoken and written Business English. The key method of analysis is that of semantic prosody or semantic association; the notion that words associate with collocates that are themselves related, often either negatively or positively or belonging to a specific semantic set. The paper thus shows how words in the Business English environment interact with each other on a semantic level. After a brief introduction and literature review on semantic prosody, the main research based on an analysis of corpus data is presented. It shows that not only do words in the business environment have semantic prosodies, that is they are found to regularly collocate with word groups that share semantic similarity, they also have prosodies that are unique to business, separate from the prosodies they generate in the 鈥榞eneral English鈥 environment. It was also noted, however, that these prosodies are not all-consuming, and often only represent strong tendencies for lexical relations, rather than a firmly fixed relationship. The article ends by discussing the pedagogical consequences that this research may have when the results are introduced into the classroom.

Nerlich B, Forsyth R & Clarke D .

Climate in the news: How differences in media discourse between the US and UK reflect national priorities

[J]. Environmental Communication: A Journal of Nature and Culture, 2012,6(1):44~ 63.


Studies dealing with media coverage of climate change have increased steadily over the last decade or so, alongside the media coverage of climate change itself. This article aims to contribute to this growing literature on two levels: to deepen understanding of distinctive patterns of language use across nations speaking a common language and to demonstrate the usefulness of a new approach for finding such patterns. Articles in The (London) Times and the New York Times, published between 2000 and 2009, were analyzed using methods related to computational linguistics. Results show that the US seemingly still constructs climate change as a problem, whereas the UK focuses on finding solutions for the (established) problem of climate change. This linguistic and conceptual gap may hamper mutual understanding and the crafting of global climate change mitigation policies.

Orpin D .

Corpus linguistics and critical discourse analysis:Examining the ideology of sleaze

[J]. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics, 2005,10(1):37~ 61.

URL     [本文引用: 1]

Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) has often proved fruitful in providing insights into the relationship between language and ideology. However, CDA is not without its critics. Constructive criticism has been offered by Stubbs, who suggests bolstering CDA by using a large corpus as the basis on which to make reliable generalisations about language use. Taking up that suggestion, this paper reports on a study of a group of words semantically related to corruption. In the study, corpus methodology is used to manipulate the data: concordances and collocational tools are used to provide semantic profiles of the words and highlight connotational differences, and to identify the geographical locations that the words refer to. It is argued that words with a noticeably negative connotation tend to be used when referring to activities that take place outside of Britain, while less negative words are used when referring to similar activities in British contexts. CDA theory is drawn on to interpret the ideological significance of the findings.

Qian Yufang .

Discursive Constructions and Terrorism in the People’s Daily and the Sun before and after 9.11

[D]. England:Lancaster University, 2008.

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Reisigl M & Wodak R . The discourse-historical approach[C]//Wodak R & Meyer M. Methods of Critical Discourse Analysis. 2nd ed. Beijing: Peking University Press, 2014: 87~ 121.

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Stamou A G . Words and Phrases:Corpus Studies of Lexical Semantic[M]. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2001.

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van Dijk T A . News Analysis:Case Studies of International and National News in the Press[M]. London: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers, 1998.

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van Dijk T A . Critical discourse studies: A sociocognitive approach[C]//Wodak R & Meyer M. Methods of Critical Discourse Analysis. 2nd ed. Beijing: Peking University Press, 2014: 62~ 86.

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Widdowson H G .

Discourse analysis: A critical view

[J]. Language and Literature, 1995,4(3):157~ 172.

URL     [本文引用: 1]

Wodak R & Meyer M . Critical discourse analysis: History,agenda,theory and methodology[C]//Wodak R & Meyer M. Methods of Critical Discourse Analysis. 2nd ed. Beijing: Peking University Press, 2014: 1~ 33.

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郭松 .


[J]. 天津外国语大学学报, 2011,18(5):12~ 17.

URL     [本文引用: 1]


钱毓芳 .


[J]. 外语与外语教学, 2016(2):25~ 35.



邵斌, 回志明 .


[J]. 外语研究, 2014(6):28~ 33.

URL     [本文引用: 1]


张淑静 .


[J]. 郑州大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2014,47(3):130~ 133.

URL     [本文引用: 1]


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