北京第二外国语学院学报, 2018, 40(4): 41-52 doi: 10.12002/j.bisu.156



张晓东, 任娇娇

School of English at Beijing International Studies University, Beijing 100024, China

A Comparative Study in Lexical Richness between High and Low Score L2 Impromptu Compositions

ZHANG Xiaodong, REN Jiaojiao

School of English at Beijing International Studies University, Beijing 100024, China

收稿日期: 2017-05-9   网络出版日期: 2018-08-15

Received: 2017-05-9   Online: 2018-08-15

作者简介 About authors

张晓东,北京第二外国语学院英语学院,100024,研究方向:二语习得、语篇分析、外语教学等电子邮箱:20020002@bisu.edu.cn; 。

任娇娇,北京第二外国语学院英语学院,100024,研究方向:语篇分析电子邮箱:382605608@qq.com 。



关键词: 二语写作 ; 词汇丰富性 ; 词汇多样性 ; 词汇复杂性


L2 writing quality is greatly influenced by lexical richness. Due to the rarity of relevant studies, it is hard to learn about differences in productive lexical richness among compositions of different qualities. This research aimes at revealing lexical differences between compositions of higher scores and those with lower scores. Sophomores majoring in English in a foreign language university are asked to write an argumentative composition impromptu in class. 60 compositions are taken as the samples with higher score ones and lower score ones selected. Lexical richness is assessed and compared from four aspects, i.e., lexical variation, lexical sophistication, lexical density and lexical errors. The results shows that the higher score compositions are better than the lower score ones in lexical variation and lexical sophistication, and the difference in lexical sophistication are significant. High score ones have fewer lexical errors than lower score ones. The difference in lexical density is not significant. This study has some implications for L2 teaching in writing. Students should be encouraged to enlarge their vocabulary, which is the basis of lexical richness. Teachers can help students to turn the passive vocabulary into productive vocabulary through sentence making so as to retrieve and process words in an automatic way.

Keywords: L2 writing ; lexical richness ; lexical diversity ; lexical sophistication

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张晓东, 任娇娇. 二语即时作文高低分组词汇丰富性对比研究. 北京第二外国语学院学报, 2018, 40(4): 41-52. DOI:10.12002/j.bisu.156

ZHANG Xiaodong, REN Jiaojiao. A Comparative Study in Lexical Richness between High and Low Score L2 Impromptu Compositions. JOURNAL OF BEIJING INTERNATIONAL STUDIES UNIVERSITY, 2018, 40(4): 41-52. DOI:10.12002/j.bisu.156


词汇在二语学习中起着至关重要的作用。诸多研究(Laufer & Nation,1995;Jarvis,2002;Zareva,Schwanenflugel & Nikolova,2005;Kojima & Yamashita,2014)表明,词汇丰富性是学习者语言整体水平,特别是口语和写作能力的重要预测因素之一。近几十年来,二语写作词汇使用特征受到了越来越多的研究关注。以往研究主要考查词汇丰富性的发展特征及其与二语写作之间的关系,而相关的对比研究相对较少,因此无法深入了解不同质量写作文本之间产出性词汇的特征差异。为了解决这一问题,本研究以北京某外国语大学英语专业二年级学生即时作文为研究样本,考查高、低分组在词汇丰富性方面存在的差异,旨在发现词汇丰富性对大学生写作质量的影响,从而为大学英语词汇和写作教学提供参考。


20世纪80年代以来,二语写作中的词汇研究备受国内外专家学者的关注,随着写作语料库、词汇测量工具和词汇分析软件的开发和运用,二语写作词汇研究逐渐深入(Laufer,1994;Laufer & Nation,1995)。概而言之,二语写作词汇研究主要集中于词汇广度和词汇深度两个方面。其中,语言学习者的词汇运用广度主要指词汇丰富性,被视为二语写作整体水平的重要评价指标(Engber,1995:139;Laufer & Nation,1995:307)。

词汇丰富性又称词汇多样性或词汇复杂性(Read,2000;Daller,van Hout & Treffers,2003)。但也有学者(Malvern et al.,2004)认为,词汇多样性只能反映词汇丰富性的一个方面。Laufer & Nation(1995)认为,词汇丰富性的测量应该包括词汇多样性、词汇密度、词汇复杂性和词汇新颖性四个方面。但在二语写作背景下,Read(2000)发现,词汇新颖性不适用于评价学习者的词汇能力发展,并指出词汇丰富性应从以下四个方面来测量:词汇多样性(类符/形符比)、词汇复杂性(超出前2 000词表词汇的百分比)、词汇密度(实义词占总词数的百分比)和词汇错误数量。Linnarud(1986)认为,一篇好作文应具备以下词汇特征:多样化的词汇而非重复使用有限的单词;使用符合话题和文体的低频词;相对高比例的实词和较少的词汇错误。这几个方面的特点可概括为评估词汇丰富性的四个要素,即词汇多样性、词汇复杂性、词汇密度和词汇错误数量。


(1)词汇丰富性与二语写作质量关系研究。系列研究表明,词汇丰富性及其不同维度与二语写作质量之间显著相关(秦晓晴、文秋芳,2007;Yu,2010;王海华、周祥,2012;Kojima & Yamashita,2014;Xie & Shen,2015)。例如,王海华、周祥(2012)的研究发现,词汇多样性、词汇复杂性和词汇密度与写作质量之间显著相关,而词汇错误与写作质量呈显著负相关。秦晓晴、文秋芳(2007)的研究同样发现,词汇变化性和词汇复杂性这两个变量与二语作文成绩显著相关。其他研究(Yu,2010;Xie & Shen,2015;Kojima & Yamashita,2014)得出的结论与上述研究较为一致。但另外一些研究结论并不相同。例如,Engber(1995)对不同语言背景的印第安纳大学生写作的66篇限时作文的词汇丰富性进行了考查,结果表明:词汇多样性与写作质量显著相关,而词汇密度和词汇错误比例与写作质量相关并不显著。Hyltenstam(1988)同样发现,词汇密度与二语写作成绩之间相关性并不显著。Lemmouh(2010)对瑞典大学生的研究发现,词汇丰富性与二语写作评分之间不存在相关性。研究者由此认为词汇丰富性可能并非教师写作评分的核心标准。Acevedo & Daniel(2014)同样没有发现词汇丰富性与二语成绩之间的相关性。以上研究结论的不一致可能来自写作任务及研究被试的差异,同时需要对二语写作词汇丰富性的不同方面分别进行考查,才能发现其不同维度与写作质量之间的关系。

(2)二语写作中的词汇发展研究。该类研究通常对某些受试一段时期内二语写作中的词汇发展特征进行考查。例如,Laufer(1994)对48名以色列英语专业大学一年级学生一学年内所写的作文进行了纵深研究,发现学生的词汇复杂性进步明显,但词汇多样性并无显著提高。Laufer(1998)进一步考查了以色列十年级和十一年级以英语为外语的学习者产出性词汇的发展特点,结果表明,十一年级学生的词汇发展出现“高原现象”,产出性词汇进步不明显。Turlik(2008)的研究发现,二语写作中的基本词汇随着学习进程平缓增长并最终停止,而高级词汇则随着学习的进展呈现持续的线性增长。我国学者(高彦梅,2003;谭晓晨,2006;鲍贵,2008;万丽芳,2010;王海华、周祥,2012)考查了二语学习者作文词汇丰富性的发展变化情况。研究发现,随着年级的升高,学生作文的词汇多样性、词汇复杂性、词汇密度和词汇准确性方面都有所提高;但具体到词汇丰富性的各个方面,则呈现出不同的发展趋势。笔者认为,词汇丰富性的发展不仅与语言输入的条件密切相关(Nazli,Fatemeh & Vaezi,2014),同时受被试语言水平、语言学习背景、认知加工能力等其他因素的影响。由于学习条件和背景存在差异,不同群体二语写作词汇丰富性的发展必然会呈现出不同的特征和规律。




1. 研究问题


2. 研究对象

本研究的被试为北京某外国语大学英语专业大学二年级7个班的182名学生。研究者要求被试在写作课堂中按照专四写作要求完成2013年专四真题写作的Section A。然后请有专四写作评分经验的3名老师利用整体评分法对写作质量进行评估,满分15分。3位教师评分的肯德尔一致性系数为0.93。随后,研究者筛选高分作文(≥13分)和低分作文(<9分)各30篇作为本研究的研究对象。高分组的平均分数为13.40,标准差为0.40;低分组平均分为7.32分,标准差为1.04。两组作文分数之间差异显著(t=28.46,p=0.000)。

3. 数据统计方法

本研究利用Uber index计算公式和词汇分析软件RANGE来分析词汇多样性和词汇复杂性,借助Excel软件进行数据整理、公式计算和表格制作,利用SPSS 17.0进行描述性统计和独立样本t检验、自动附码软件Go Tagger标注作文中所有单词的词性、Antconc计算作文中的实词数。人工统计作文小句总数和词汇错误总数。


1. 词汇多样性

词汇多样性用以评估使用者在词汇使用和输出中词汇变化的特点。本研究使用Uber index 来测试作文词汇多样性,即:

Uber index=U=(log tokens)2/(log tokens - log types)

这一公式为词汇多样性提供了相对精确的测量方法(Dewaele,1993;Tweedie & Baayen,1998),且不受文本长度的影响。表1是高分组和低分组中U值的描述性统计。

表1   词汇多样性描述统计

最小值 最大值 均数 标准差 t p
低分组 15.25 31.22 21.19 3.68 —1.51 0.136
高分组 16.81 33.51 22.55 3.15

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研究者通过独立样本t检验考查高分组和低分组作文词汇多样性是否存在显著性差异。结果表明,两组之间差异并不显著(t= —1.51,p=0.136)。该结果与以往的研究结论(Linnarud,1986;Hyltenstam,1988:67~84)较为一致。高分组与低分组词汇多样性差异不显著可能由以下几个方面的原因造成。首先,低分组作文U值标准差大于高分组,说明低分组作文产出性词汇多样性组内差别大于高分组,这样就缩小了两组之间作文质量的差异,导致了统计意义上的非显著性差异。其次,在此项研究中,高、低分作文样本仅各有30篇,样本量较小同样可能会导致两组统计结果差异不显著。再次,对同一年级的被试来说,统一的作文测试题目同样会缩小其作文产出性词汇之间的差异。为了使研究结果更具有说服力,以后的研究可以考虑增加作文测试题目的数量及高低分作文的样本量。

2. 词汇复杂性

词汇复杂性是评估词汇丰富性的四个指标之一(Read,2000),指在文本中能够适当使用与主题、文体相关的低频词,而不只是使用常用的高频词。表2呈现的是高分组和低分组不同级别词汇的使用情况,即最常用1 000词、次常用1 000词、学术词汇和表外词的使用频率的平均值以及两组词汇复杂度的t检验结果。

表2   词汇复杂性t检验

高分组 低分组 t
最常用1 000词 78.94% 83.58% —4.93***
次常用1 000词 7.95% 6.06% 3.02**
学术词汇 5.13% 3.88% 2.63*
表外词 7.98% 6.48% 2.58*

注:*表示P<0.05;**表示 P<0.01;***表示P<0.001,下同。

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表2可知,高分组作文的最常用1 000词、次常用1 000词、学术词汇和表外词的使用率均值分别为78.94%、7.95%、5.13%、7.98%,低分组作文在这四个维度下的均值依次为83.58%、6.06%、3.88%、6.48%。独立样本t检验的结果显示,高分组和低分组作文在最常用1 000词(t= —4.93,p=0.000)、次常用1 000词(t=3.02,p=0.004)、学术词汇(t=2.63,p=0.011)和表外词(t= 2.58,p=0.012)四个维度下均存在显著差异。平均值比较和t检验结果显示,低分组的最常用1 000词使用率显著高于高分组,次常用1 000词、学术词汇和表外词等复杂词的使用率显著低于高分组作文。本实验的研究结论与Laufer & Nation(1995:307~322)鲍贵(2008)等人的研究结论一致。Laufer & Nation(1995)的研究发现作文分数与最常用1 000词使用比率呈负相关。即作文分数越高,使用的低频词越多。鲍贵(2008)的研究发现,词汇复杂性是区分不同写作水平组词汇差异最重要的指标。

本研究的结果表明,词汇复杂度越高,二语写作质量越高。在写作过程中,高分组产出性词汇不仅仅局限于最常用1 000词,同时还会使用其他级别的词汇以丰富表达。相比之下,低分组在限时作文中产出性词汇较多地集中于最常用1 000词,覆盖的复杂词汇非常少,基本停留在较低的二语书面产出水平。另外,通过考查词汇使用情况发现,低分组存在较多的复杂词汇不当使用的现象。例如,研究样本中一篇6分作文的表外词使用率高达12.50%,但使用错误率高达64%。文中出现这样的句子:“Group buying reduce consumer’s burden,this is inexpensive more than one consumer buying something...”;在讲到生活必需品时表达为:“They might be an important first-aid”。其中,“inexpensive”的比较级表达错误;而“生活必需品”使用“first-aid”来表达则属于用词不当。

但其中也有特殊情况,例如,据统计,一篇最高分作文(14分)的各维度值依次为81.69%、7.04%、6.34%、4.93%,最低分作文(5分)使用率依次为78.82%、6.38%、4.26%、10.64%。数据显示,最高分作文的最常用1 000词、次常用1 000词、学术词汇使用率均高于最低分作文,而表外词使用率则显著低于低分作文。该反常现象说明这篇高分作文为了减少错误,倾向于使用简单词和中等难度的词,减少使用表外词。秦晓晴、文秋芳(2007)在研究中也发现了这种现象。两位学者认为,该现象不仅揭示了一部分学生在英语写作中抱有求稳心态,尽量避免使用生疏词汇,而且反映出英语教学中的一些问题。例如,教师可能过分强调学生作文表达的准确性。这种要求推动学生采用“回避”和“迂回表达”的策略,绕过低频词,导致高频词使用率较高。另外,通过文本分析发现,这篇最低分作文无法恰当使用表外词,文中出现词汇堆砌现象。进一步统计发现,低分组16篇作文都或多或少存在表外词使用频率过高、词汇使用不当的现象。

3. 词汇密度



表3   词汇密度描述统计

最小值 最大值 平均值 标准差 t p
低分组 5.41 9.83 7.27 1.11 0.12 0.91
高分组 5.45 13.92 7.23 1.66

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表3可见,高分组和低分组的词汇密度差异较小,独立样本t检验结果不显著。本研究与Hyltenstam(1988)朱慧敏和王俊菊(2013)Acevedo & Daniel(2014)的研究结论相同。他们发现,词汇密度不能有效体现二语写作中的词汇发展水平,因为词汇密度测量的是作文中实义词占总词数的比例。实义词是按词性划分的,无论其在作文中出现的频率高低,都不能很好地反映词汇的发展水平。如果学生在一篇文章中多处使用同一个实义词,这样虽然文章的词汇密度较高,但不能说明文章的信息量大,也未必能真实体现文章词汇的广度。本研究也存在相同的问题,建议以后的研究改进测量方法,对文本进行词汇削尾处理,从而排除多处使用同一实词对研究结果造成的干扰。

但本研究与高彦梅(2003)王海华和周祥(2012)的研究结果不同。他们的研究表明,词汇密度随着学习者语篇能力的发展而增长,即作文分数越高,词汇密度越大。高彦梅(2003)的实验得出如下结论,词汇密度(lexical density)在不同语篇能力层次的作文中呈现明显差异性,且随语篇能力的提高而发展。导致这种结果差异的原因如下:以上两个研究均为历时发展性研究,研究材料的采集分别历时一年半和四年,作文水平差异大,所得词项密度差异明显;而本研究是对比研究,写作文本由水平基本相同的被试即时完成。同时,相同的写作题目使得高低分组作文在词汇、句型产出方面难以拉开差距,最终导致词汇密度差异较小。

4. 词汇错误


表4   词汇错误量描述统计

最小值 最大值 总数量 平均值 t p
低分组 0 5 56 3.61 1.76 0.084
高分组 0 7 35 1.17

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当然,并不是每篇高分作文的错误数量都低于低分组。高分组中有一篇作文分数为14分,但是词汇错误多达4处,甚至高于低分组的词汇错误数量平均值。但考虑到该篇即时作文篇幅较长、内容丰富、观点鲜明、句型多样,仍然得到了较高的分数。而由于篇幅较短,有5篇低分作文虽然没有出现词汇错误,但由于主题不明等原因 ,只得到了5分或者6分。由此可见,词汇产出质量虽然是作文的一个重要评价标准,但并非唯一评价标准。从对评分教师的访谈中了解到,除词汇产出质量外,观点逻辑性及新颖性、内容丰富程度、语言流畅性及准确性、句型多样性等其他维度也是作文评价的参照尺度。




The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


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Abstract The extent to which impartial readers take into account lexical richness and lexical errors when assigning a quality score to compositions written by learners in an intensive English program is discussed in this article. For placement purposes into both ESL programs and academic programs, the writing of these students is often assessed by anonymous readers who base their judgments on timed writing tasks. Much remains to be known, however, about the relationship between language proficiency, specifically lexical proficiency, and reader judgments of the overall quality of timed essays. This study reports on the role of the lexical component as one factor in holistic scoring. Sixty-six placement essays written by students from mixed language backgrounds in the intermediate to advanced range of an intensive English program were holistically scored. These quality scores were then compared to four lexical richness measures: lexical variation, error-free variation, percentage of lexical error, and lexical density. High, significant correlations were found for (a) lexical variation, that is, the ratio of the number of different lexical items to the total number of lexical items in the essay adjusted to length; and (b) lexical variation minus error. The latter measure, error-free variation, correlated best with score.

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Lexical charateristics of near-native second-language learners of Swedish

[J]. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 1988,9(1-2):67~ 84.

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Various aspects of the vocabulary of near‐native second‐language learners of Swedish were analysed and compared to that of matched native Swedish speakers. Quantitative measures of lexical usage focussed upon comprised lexical density, lexical variation and lexical sophistication. Further, a qualitative and quantitative analysis of lexical errors was carried out.Data were elicited from 36 students attending the second‐year course of the Swedish gymnasieskola (senior high school level). The population comprised 24 bilingual students, among whom 12 had Finnish and 12 had Spanish as their first language, and 12 monolingual Swedish speakers. Both oral and written data were collected from each student, and, from the bilingual students, data were obtained from both their languages. The oral data consisted of retellings of four narratives, while the written data comprised summary reviews of Charlie Chaplin's silent film, Modem Times.Only the Swedish data are considered in this paper. The results are discussed in relation to the current discussion of differing proficiency levels required for everyday context‐embedded, cognitively un‐demand‐ing communication as opposed to literate language use (cf. Cummins, 1983). In addition, the results from the lexical error analysis are related to the concept of fossilisation (Selinker, 1972).

James C .

Errors in Language Learning and Use: Exploring Error Analysis

[M]. London:Routledge, 1998.

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The Relationship among Vocabulary Knowledge, Academic Achievement and the Lexical Richness in Writing in Swedish University Students of English

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Comparing Lexical Richness and Lexical Cohesion on Descriptive Essays Written by Students with Different Exposures to English

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McNamara D S, Louwerse M M ,McCarthy P M&Graesser A C.

Coh-Metrix: Capturing linguistic features of cohesion

[J]. Discourse Process, 2010,47(4):292~ 330.

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This study addresses the need in discourse psychology for computational techniques that analyze text on multiple levels of cohesion and text difficulty. Discourse psychologists often investigate phenomena related to discourse processing using lengthy texts containing multiple paragraphs, as opposed to single word and sentence stimuli. Characterizing such texts in terms of cohesion and coherence is challenging. Some computational tools are available, but they are either fragmented over different databases or they assess single, specific features of text. Coh-Metrix is a computational linguistic tool that measures text cohesion and text difficulty on a range of word, sentence, paragraph, and discourse dimensions. This study investigated the validity of Coh-Metrix as a measure of cohesion in text using stimuli from published discourse psychology studies as a benchmark. Results showed that Coh-Metrix indexes of cohesion (individually and combined) significantly distinguished the high- versus low-cohesion versions of these texts. The results also showed that commonly used readability indexes (e.g., Flesch incaid) inappropriately distinguished between low- and high-cohesion texts. These results provide a validation of Coh-Metrix, thereby paving the way for its use by researchers in cognitive science, discourse processes, and education, as well as for textbook writers, professionals in instructional design, and instructors.

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Teaching and Learning Vocabulary

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Measuring the lexical richness of productive vocabulary in iranian EFL university students’ writing performance

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A Longitudinal Study of Vocabulary in L2 Academic English Writing of Arabic First-language Students: Development and Measurement

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Tweedie F J&Baayen R H.

How variable may a constant be? Measures of lexical richness in perspective

[J]. Computers and the Humanities, 1998,32(5):323~ 352.

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A well-known problem in the domain of quantitative linguistics and stylistics concerns the evaluation of the lexical richness of texts. Since the most obvious measure of lexical richness, the vocabulary size (the number of different word types), depends heavily on the text length (measured in word tokens), a variety of alternative measures has been proposed which are claimed to be independent of the text length. This paper has a threefold aim. Firstly, we have investigated to what extent these alternative measures are truly textual constants. We have observed that in practice all measures vary substantially and systematically with the text length. We also show that in theory, only three of these measures are truly constant or nearly constant. Secondly, we have studied the extent to which these measures tap into different aspects of lexical structure. We have found that there are two main families of constants, one measuring lexical richness and one measuring lexical repetition. Thirdly, we have considered to what extent these measures can be used to investigate questions of textual similarity between and within authors. We propose to carry out such comparisons by means of the empirical trajectories of texts in the plane spanned by the dimensions of lexical richness and lexical repetition, and we provide a statistical technique for constructing confidence intervals around the empirical trajectories of texts. Our results suggest that the trajectories tap into a considerable amount of authorial structure without, however, guaranteeing that spatial separation implies a difference in authorship.

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Lexical density and register differentiation

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A study of the relationships between lexical richness and writing quality: Taking the English majors at Guangxi University as an example

[C]// Proceedings of 2015 International Conference on Social Science, Education Management and Sports Education. Paris:Atlantis Press, 2015: 1643~ 1646.

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Yu Guoxing .

Lexical diversity in writing and speaking task performances

[J]. Applied Linguistics, 2010,31(2):236~ 259.

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In the rating scales of major international language tests, as well as in automated evaluation systems (e.g. e-rater), a positive relationship is often claimed between lexical diversity, holistic quality of written or spoken discourses, and language proficiency of candidates. This paper reports a posteriori validation study that analysed a sample of the archived data of an international language test to examine empirically to what extent such relationships exist. It is also noted that previous studies on lexical diversity in the field of applied linguistics have focused exclusively on either written or spoken discourses, no study to date has compared lexical diversity of spoken and written discourses produced by the same participants. Therefore, the second aim of this paper is to understand the differences in lexical diversity between writing and speaking task performances, and to what extent the topics of the writing prompts may affect lexical diversity of written discourses. Using D as a measure of lexical diversity (Malvern and Richards 1997, 2002; Malvern et al. 2004), it was found that D had a statistically significant and positive correlation with the overall quality ratings of both writing and speaking performances as well as the candidates’ general language proficiency. Nevertheless, the significant relationships were not borne out across the sub-groups of the sample in terms of gender, first language background, purpose of taking the test and topics of the writing prompts. The different writing topics also had significant effects on lexical diversity – especially the topics that candidates were highly familiar with – even after controlling for writing ability and overall language proficiency. The lexical diversity of candidates’ writing and speaking performances were approximately at the same level; further, D was found to be a better predictor of speaking than writing performance. The implications of these findings are discussed with specific reference to the use of lexical diversity measures to inform language test validation and the development of lexical diversity parameters in automated evaluation systems.

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Relationship between lexical competence and language proficiency: Variable sensitivity

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本文以三个水平组英语学习者的定时作文为语料,利用WordSmith Tools、RANGE和在线削尾处理器等多种手段,调查了作文词汇丰富性的发展模式。词汇丰富性被划分为四个层面,即词汇变化性、词汇密度、词汇复杂性和词汇独特性。多纬度研究表明,在作文长度组间差异很大时,由于长度的影响,词汇变化性没有发展的趋势。在长度恒定时,词汇的变化性有增大的趋势,尤其在最低水平组与其他两组之间差异显著。词汇密度能区分最低水平组和最高水平组,但是测量方法的不同却影响了词汇密度在中间组和最高水平组之间的差异程度。词汇独特性能区分出最高水平组与其他两组,但是在最低水平组和中间组之间却看不出区别。由此得出,词汇独特性、词汇变化性和词汇密度虽能区分非邻近组却不能很好地区分邻近组,因而发展均呈非线性。词汇复杂性最能区分不同组之间词汇使用的差异,即使测量方法有异,其发展路线仍呈直线式。

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