Cai Jigang. English Curriculum Standards for Compulsory Education: Developing Scientific Literacy[J]. Journal of Beijing International Studies University, 2024, 46(1): 19-28.
In this study, we detected the presence of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in cats in Wuhan during the COVID-19 outbreak with ELISA, VNT and western blot. A total of 102 cats were tested, 15 (14.7%) were positive for RBD based ELISA and 11 (10.8%) were further positive with VNT. At present, there is no evidence of SARS-CoV-2 transmission from cats to humans.…More studies are needed to investigate the transmission route of SARS-CoV-2 from humans to cats. Importantly, an immediate action should be implemented to keep in a suitable distance between humans and companion animals such as cats and dogs, and strict hygiene and quarantine measures should also be carried out for these animals.
TANENBAUM C. STEM 2026:A Vision for Innovation in STEM Education[EB/OL].(2016-09-14)[2022-09-20].
ZHANG QIANG, ZHANG HUAJUN, HUANG KUN, et al. SARS-CoV-2 Neutralizing Serum Antibodies in Cats:A Serological Investigation[EB/OL]. (2020-04-03)[2022-09-20].